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"Jungkook!" Taehyung called and ran into the boys bedroom, throwing himself on the bed where Jeongguk were laying peacefully, half asleep.

"What's up, Taehyungie?" Jeongguk questioned and wrapped his arms around Taehyung.

"Please don't get mad." Taehyung begged and nuzzled his face in Jeongguks neck as Jeongguk threw his blanket over Taehyung and tangled his legs with Taehyungs.

"What did you do?" Jeongguk questioned in concern and pulled Taehyung closer, liking a Taehyungs warm body on his own.

"I didn't do anything, but Chungha did, so don't be mad at her."

Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows and made Taehyung look at him. "What did she do?"

"Please don't get mad at her, it's not her fault." Taehyung begged.

"What is it?" Jeongguk asked, bewildered and confused.

"She confessed to me, she told me she loves me." Taehyung told and clung on to Jeongguk as he sat up, Taehyung now sitting in his lap.

"What!?" Jeongguk yelled loudly and wanted to get out of bed to go yell at her or something but Taehyung connected their lips and slowly pushed Jeongguk down on the bed.

"You're mine!" Jeongguk growled angrily.

Taehyung didn't want to say anything but he found this side of Jeongguk pretty hot.

"Of course I'm yours." Taehyung told and caressed Jeongguks right cheek.

"Then why would she tell you something like that!"

"She can't control her own feelings, she didn't choose it." Taehyung told as Jeongguk closed his eyes, feeling Taehyungs feather like touch on his face.

Jeongguk grabbed Taehyungs hand to stop him. "I have to talk to Chungha."

"No! She has done nothing wrong, she just wanted me to know, to get those helpless feelings off her chest. Have you never loved someone that didn't love you back?"

Jeongguk sighed and pulled Taehyung closer as he wrapped his arms around Taehyungs waist, keeping him close.

"I've never loved someone before you." Jeongguk told and connected his forehead with Taehyungs. "Have you?"

Taehyung hummed. "Remember that actor I was going to visit?"


"Well I loved him for years and when I confessed to him, he didn't love me back. I was heartbroken for 6 months before I could move on. When I talked to him that day, he told me he regretted it and wanted me back but I declined."

"Why? You loved him, didn't you?" Jeongguk asked bitterly but still held Taehyung close.

"Love changes and so does people, I don't love Park Bogum anymore, I've moved on and found someone better. Jeon Jeongguk."

Jeongguk crashed his lips against Taehyungs, moving them perfectly in sync.

"I shouldn't be angry at Chungha for loving someone, it's a thing she can't control." Jeongguk told.

"Yes and I'm sure she'll get over me pretty soon, it's probably just a small crush." Taehyung added.

Jeongguk nodded and rubbed his cheek against Taehyungs. "I'm never letting you go, not even when my parents will try to send you away."

Taehyung smiled and cupped Jeongguks face as he kissed all over his face.

Jeongguk giggled and held Taehyung as close as possible.

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