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"Well this is the restaurant I've taken you guys to, it's very private for couples and I know you two would definitely like that, I hope you enjoy." Hoseok spoke and waived goodbye to the two as they left the car and entered the restaurant Hoseok had chosen for them.

They very quickly got a table when the waitress realized who Jeongguk was.

"This is perfect, no one is going to notice us." Taehyung told as they had been lead into a quiet place, that almost looked like a separate room.

"I'm just happy to actually be on a date with the one I love, I never thought that would be possible." Jeongguk told as he took Taehyungs hand in his over the table.

Taehyung smiled shyly. "I sure didn't either, but please, let's order." Jeongguk nodded and they both looked at the menu.

"I want naengmyeon." They both said in unison and giggled afterwards.

"Do you want to share one? Then there's more space for the dessert." Jeongguk questioned.

"Well dessert is my favorite meal, so let's share." Jeongguk snickered at Taehyungs response and they waited for the waitress, knowing it wouldn't be long for the waitress to come.

"Do you two know what you guys would like?" The waitress asked politely as she stood with a piece of paper and a pen, ready to write down their orders.

"We would like to share a naengmyeon." Jeongguk told.

The waitress nodded as she wrote down the order. "And what would you like to drink?"

"Do you guys have coke?" Taehyung questioned and Jeongguk snickered at his pronounce.

"Yeah, we have coke." The waitress replied, pronouncing it correctly.

"Then I'll take that." Taehyung said happily, not getting that he just pronounced coke totally wrong.

"And what would the prince like?" The waitress asked politely.

"Can I have a beer?" Jeongguk questioned. "Of course the waitress replied and smiled sweetly at him, Taehyung felt a little jealous, so he squeezed Jeongguks hand in his, Jeongguk squeezing back for reassurance.

"Would you two like anything else?" The waitress asked politely.

"Not right now." Jeongguk replied and the waitress nodded as she hurried away.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk called, making Taehyung look up from his gaze on their intertwined hands.

"That's not how you pronounce coke." Jeongguk stared and Taehyung covered his face.

"I'm not good with English words."

Jeongguk laughed and reached out to ruffle Taehyungs hair. "I'm not very good either."

"Jungkook?" Jeongguk hummed and placed his face in one of his hands, the other still holding Taehyungs on the table.

"Are you going to miss me?"

"There will be nothing to miss, because when I become king after I get married, I'll have you back."

Taehyung smiled to himself. "Don't do that, stay with Chungha, she can love you much better than I can."

Jeongguk suddenly grabbed Taehyungs chin and made him look at him. "No one in this whole entire universe, could ever love me better than you can, because I actually love you back."

Taehyung smiled and stood up from his chair, pulling it over so he was sitting besides Jeongguk.

"For how long did you love me?" Taehyung questioned as he leaned his head on to Jeongguks shoulder and grabbed Jeongguks hand in his.

"I think I've loved you from the start." Jeongguk told and smiled affectionately at Taehyung.

"I love you, Jungkook."

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