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"Jeongguk?" Taehyung questioned as he lightly knocked on the young prince's door and entered, carefully closing the door behind him.

"What do you want?" Jeongguk mumbled voice laced with sleepiness.

"The king wants to know if you want to eat with him tonight, he thinks you've been ignoring him."

"If the so-called king really wanted to know, he would be here and ask for himself!" Jeongguk yelled and buried his face in his hands.

"Do you want me to go get him?" Taehyung questioned, voice small and polite.

"No." Jeongguk sighed. "Just tell him I won't be there."

"I will, young pri-"

"Please, just call me Jungkook."

"Jungkook," Taehyung repeated, tasting the difference in the name.

"Please," Jeongguk begged.

"Of course, youn- Jungkook." Taehyung bowed and quickly left to go to the king.

Jeongguk laid down in his gigantic bed and supported his head with his arms as he closed his eyes, facing the ceiling.

"Prince Jeongguk, I heard you're not going to eat with us." The door wasn't knocked on this time and it most certainly wasn't Taehyung.

"And so what, Chungha?" Jeongguk questioned, annoyed and sat up.

"To be honest, I don't know, the king told me to check on you." She said.

Jeongguk let out a loud breath and rubbed his face with both his hands. "He wants us to become closer." Chungha nodded but didn't say anything.

"Can't you just leave and sent Taehyung, I need his help with something." Jeongguk pleaded.

"I will," Chungha whispered and left.

Soon after, there was a knock and Jeongguk let out a small. "Come in."

"You needed me?" Taehyung questioned and walked in, letting the door close behind him.

"I just." Jeongguk pulled at his already messy hair in frustration.

"Please don't do that, it's not very good for your hair," Taehyung told and Jeongguk nodded, removing his hands from his hair.

"What did you need me for, Jungkook?"

"Is it- is it okay for me to hug you?" Jeongguk questioned.

"Why do you ask?" Taehyung questioned and took a small step towards Jeongguk's bed where he was sitting.

"I just really need a hug from someone who doesn't seem completely and utterly insane," Jeongguk whispered.

Taehyung smiled shyly and nodded. "Of course you can, Jungkook."

Jeongguk quickly got up and wrapped his arms tightly around Taehyung, Taehyung slowly hugged back.

They stood like that for a while and very slowly pulled away from the hug. "I really needed that," Jeongguk whispered.

"Is something bothering you, Jungkook?" Taehyung questioned, sensing that something wasn't right.

"I just." Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair. "Need someone to talk to and care for me."

"I might be your server but I'll always be here to talk to you if you need it."

"Thank you, Taehyung, I'll remember that." Jeongguk smiled warmly and sat back down on his bed.

"Did you need me for anything else?" Taehyung questioned politely as he tilted his head.

"Could we get to know each other, you've been here for like a week and I don't know anything about you," Jeongguk told.

Taehyung nodded and sat down besides Jeongguk. "What do you want to know?"

"Why are you here and not with your family?" Jeongguk asked.

"Well my family are farmers, we don't have a lot of money, so I'm here to make money for them."

"That's very nice, my father better is paying you well," Jeongguk said.

Taehyung snickered. "He is, you should talk to him more, he's just an old man that wants his son to see him as his hero like he did when he was younger."

"Does dad tell you about his problems?" Jeongguk questioned and fiddled with his hands as he looked at the floor.

"Yeah, he says I'm already like a son to him, I think he's just trying to fill in the void of you not wanting to be with him."

"That's because he's being a total asshole!" Jeongguk proclaimed.

Taehyung placed a hand on Jeongguk's shoulder. "I understand."

"Taehyung, I don't want to marry Chungha, she's really pretty but I'm not into girls."

"You're gay?" Taehyung questioned in a whispered.

Jeongguk slowly nodded. "That's okay," Taehyung whispered and side hugged Jeongguk.

Jeongguk got that feeling he'd been wanting to feel for so long, he felt like he had a friend with him.

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