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"Jeongguk, get up from that chair and help your fiancé." The queen ordered and sent him a warning glare.

Jeongguk sighed, his mother was always so cold towards him.

He got up from his chair and pulled out the chair for princess Chungha.

"Are you sitting comfortably?" Jeongguk questioned after pushing her chair slightly towards the table.

The princess nodded and took off her pretty white gloves.

"Are you excited for your wedding?" The king asked as Taehyung was standing besides him, putting some food on the king's plate.

"Yes, your majesty," Chungha responded, voice clear and stable.

The queen nodded approvingly and glared at her son for a second.

The king tapped Taehyungs arm. "Can you get me some wine?" Taehyung nodded and bowed before leaving for the wine cellar.

"I thought Taehyung was my server, why are you making him do things?" Jeongguk questioned, mouth filled with meat.

The queen excused herself, not wanting to see her son acting dumb and got up to leave for a while.

The king just sighed as Chungha kept her gaze on her plate.

"Taehyung is a very talented boy, he can do both, oh and he's already back, that must be record time!" The king exclaimed happily.

Taehyung bowed before showing the king two different bottles of wine. "I know you like them both, but I didn't know which one you were feeling for," Taehyung said, voice clear as he spoke to the king, Jeongguk watched with pure shock, he had never seen his father so happy for any other server or maid.

"That's very thoughtful, Taehyung but that one will be fine." The king told and pointed to the special wine in Taehyungs left hand.

Taehyung nodded and placed the other wine on the table as he served the king some of his preferred one.

Taehyung was about to leave to put the other wine back in the wine cellar but the king stopped him. "I think princess Chungha would like some of that wine, her mother said she liked it very much."

Taehyung bowed and poured some wine for the young princess.

"Young prince, would you like some too?" Taehyung questioned and bowed, having to be respectful to all of them.

"Yes, please," Jeongguk responded and watched as Taehyung poured him some wine. "Thank you." Jeongguk thanked and placed his hand on Taehyungs shoulder and let it slide to the small of his back before removing his hand, Taehyung just bowed and gave a very small smile.

"Taehyung, could you go find the queen, she's been absent for a while now." The king asked.

"Of course, your majesty," Taehyung responded as he bowed ninety degrees and quickly left.

"You two should see each other more." The king commented as he looked from Chungha to Jeongguk.

"As you wish, your majesty," Chungha responded voice void of emotion and her face stiff. 

"I think I have better stuff to do." Jeongguk declined.

The king slammed his fist on the table and stood up. "Enough! You behave! You really don't have much of a choice! You do as I tell you and show respect to your fiancé, princess Chungha!" The king shouted.

"I did not choose this life!" The prince yelled loudly, stood up and left, without looking back.

Princess Chungha didn't react, she stared into thin air. She didn't want to do this either but unlike Jeongguk, she accepted it and didn't fight it.

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