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Jeongguk woke up with Taehyung in his arms and he couldn't help but feel great about that, there really was nothing greater than waking up and seeing the love of your life right besides you.

Jeongguk sighed in content and pecked Taehyungs soft cheek, noticing that Taehyungs eyes was puffy.

Jeongguk traced a finger on Taehyungs eyelids. "You're crazy sometimes." Jeongguk told the sleeping Taehyung and pulled him to lay on top of him. "But I love you anyways." He kissed Taehyungs plump lips.

"Taehyungie." Jeongguk called and squeezed Taehyungs cheeks, Taehyung whined in his sleep and nuzzled his face in Jeongguks chest, Jeongguk chuckled and pecked Taehyungs slightly parted lips.

Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Taehyungs waist, letting Taehyung relax and sleep calmly on top of him. Jeongguk closed his eyes, wanting to sleep for a little longer.

After about ten minutes of Jeongguk not sleeping and just laying comfortably with a sleeping Taehyung in his embrace, there was the sound of someone being pressed rather roughly against his door. Jeongguk frowned but didn't think much of it.

Then there was a sound of something like a moan or a groan. Jeongguk lifted his head off his pillow but laid it back down.

Jeongguk didn't want to get out of bed, he had everything he needed right here.

Jeongguk closed his eyes and let out a small hum of satisfaction as he pulled Taehyung a little up, so his head was on his shoulder and not his chest.

When there was another moan, Jeongguk wanted to get up but stopped himself and closed his eyes again after having opened them because of the moan.

Jeongguk rolled over so Taehyung was laying besides him, Taehyung was now clinking on to him and he sleepily wrapped his legs around Jeongguk.

Jeongguk was now laying on his side with Taehyung clinging on to him like a small baby koala.

Another moan was heard but this time, much louder and the sound of something bumping against Jeongguks door.

Jeongguk sighed and sat up, Taehyung in his lap, still clinging on to him.

Jeongnguk smiled and held Taehyung as he stood up with Taehyung. Jeongguk was amazed over Taehyung not waking up.

He walked to his door and forcefully opened it, something in his way of opening it without force.

Jeongguk loudly gasped and stared at the two people who had been making all this noice.

"Chungha, Hoseok? What the heck?" Jeongguk questioned.

"What the heck to you too." Chungha said back and stared at Taehyung in Jeongguks embrace.

Jeongguk smiled shyly. "Don't mind him. What were you two doing?"

Hoseok scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously. "Kissing." Hoseok told.

Jeongguk wanted to clap but couldn't because of Taehyung in his arms. "Congratulations!"

That's when Taehyung woke up. "What's going on?" Taehyung questioned when he realized he was in the arms of Jeongguk and Chungha and Hoseok were standing by them, looking embarrassed.

"I'll explain." Jeongguk said and pecked Taehyungs cheek as he went back to his bedroom, closing the door behind him thought he still had Taehyung in his arms.

"You're crazy." Taehyung laughed as Jeongguk laid on the bed with a now awake but sleepy Taehyung.

"I know."

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