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"Jungkook." Taehyung called and shook the boy.

Jeongguk groaned and just pulled at Taehyung, trying to make him lay down with him.

"Your Mother is going to leave soon." Taehyung told as he caressed Jeongguks cheeks.

Jeongguk sat up and quickly got out of bed, grabbing one of Taehyungs hands and running out of the room with him.

"Mother." Jeongguk called as he saw the woman in front of him.

She smiled, something she didn't really do much of and took a step towards her son, cupping Jeongguks face in one of her hands.

"I'm sorry."  She spoke, Jeongguk was about to ask questioned but she continued. "For everything, I wasn't there and I wasn't a mother."

"Why does this sound like a goodbye that'll last forever?" Jeongguk questioned with teary eyes, Taehyung standing besides him, motionless.

The queens smiled sadly and adjusted Jeongguks pajamas shirt. "Because I won't be back."

A small tear ran down from Jeongguks beautiful brown eye and down his cheek.

The queen wiped away Jeongguks tear. "Please make me proud, marry Chungha and have some beautiful kids." The queen pleaded.

Jeongguk inhaled a shaky breath as more tears slipped out of his eyes. "I'm afraid I can't do this Mother, I'm sorry."

"Always so stubborn, just like your father." The queen told and wood a few more of Jeongguks tears.

"Did you say goodbye to father?" Jeongguk asked, ignoring his own tears.

The queen nodded and reached out to pat Jeongguks right cheek, sending him one last smile. "Goodbye, my son, I love you." She then turned around and left the house, never  planing to come back and allowing the front door to close loudly behind her as she left.

Jeongguk let out a sob and turned to Taehyung, hugging him tightly, Taehyung was crying too and held on to Jeongguk just as tightly.

"It'll be alright." Taehyung told and caressed Jeongguks head, allowing him to cry and find comfort in him.

"In my 19 years of living." Jeongguk said between sobs. "She never told me 'I love you'" Jeongguk hiccuped between his sobs.

Taehyung smiled softly at Jeongguks words. "Well now she told you something you've been doubting for all your life, she truest loved her son, Jungkook." Taehyung whispered into Jeongguks ear.

Jeongguk sobbed and nodded his head. "She was also so rude and strict to me but she only wanted what she thought she was the best for me."

Taehyung nodded and rubbed Jeongguks back. "She tried her best to be a good mother and now she'll die."

"Don't say that!" Jeongguk yelled.

"You have to accept it." Taehyung told, feeling Jeongguk wanting to oush him away and yell at him, but Jeongguk was too weak, so Taehyung only held him closer.

"I love you, Jungkook and I'm telling you because I want you to know she'll die, so you don't break when she does." Taehyung told, assuring Jeongguk that he only wanted what's best for him.

"I love you, Taehyung." Jeongguk cried and sniffles as he placed his face in the crook of Taehyungs neck.

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