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"Are you alright? There's two days till you're getting married and I wouldn't want you to be sad on your wedding day."

"I'll be sad no matter what." Jeongguk muttered.

"What?" The king asked, but he heard it.

"Nothing." Jeongguk mumbled.

The king sighed and forcefully made Jeongguk sit on the couch with him.

Jeongguk would normally stand up and go to Taehyung but at the time, there was a small problem, Taehyung wasn't home, he was out grocery shopping with Jin.

"I know you don't want this." The king spoke and patted his sons back.

"Then why are you forcing me? I'm clearly in love with Taehyung, so why would you force me to marry someone I could never be attracted to?"

The king heaved a sight, he knew Jeongguk was in a lot of pain for a lot of different reasons, some of those reasons being that he was forced to marry Chungha and his mothers death.

Jeongguk heaved a sight too and stared directly into his fathers eyes, something he never did for very long at a time. "I love him." Jeongguk told his father and looked at the ground.

The king smiled softly at his son. "Then what are you waiting for? I can't hold you back anymore and it hurts me seeing you in pain."

Jeongguk raised his head and looked at his father in shock. "Make him yours, my son, make him your queen."Jungkooks father spoke.

Jeongguks mouth hung agape and he stared at his father with big eyes. "A-Are you telling me that I can marry him?"

The king nodded his head. "I'm tired of listening to your complaints and I wanted to tell you this before but I had to have your mother out of the house, you know, so she didn't kill me, she never agreed to this but then she died and I had to wait for a little longer."

Jeongguk hugged his father tightly and then smiled at him. "Don't tell Taehyung, it's going to be a surprise and I already have the perfect plan on how to tell him."

The king raised an eyebrow. "May I hear?" He asked curiously.

The big front door suddenly opened and in cans none other than Taehyung and Jin.

"Later." Jeongguk told his father and rushed up to his Taehyung.

Jeongguk picked up Taehyung and swung him around, he felt the relief wash over him, he didn't have to marry Chungha.

Jeongguk stared at Taehyung as he sat him down, Taehyung was a giggling mess. "What was that for?"

"I'm just happy." Jeongguk stated.

"Weird, when I left you were in such a bad mood and you didn't want me to leave."

Jeongguk scratched the back of his head and Taehyung laughed.

"Are you finally getting excited for your wedding?" Taehyung teased, expecting Jeongguk to react like he normally did when Taehyung decided to tease him like that.

"I am, but not for the right reasons." Jeongguk spoke and Taehyung raised a questioning eyebrow.

"You're so weird." Taehyung told and went to hug Jeongguk, thinking's he was just kidding and wasn't actually excited.

But Taehyung, after all, didn't know what was going to go down on that wedding day.

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