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Jeongguk and Chungha got into one of the royal cars. The royal driver, Hoseok, was already in the car, waiting for them.

"Where do you two want
I to go?" Hoseok questioned.

"Wang Thai, please," Jeongguk told.

"As you wish, Prince Jeongguk." Hoseok said and started the engine.

Chungha and Jeongguk both sat in the backseat, a small screen was between the and Hoseok to make it more private or something, but Jeongguk felt like a dog in a cage.

After a little while of driving, Chungha placed her hand on Jeongguks and lightly squeezed it for a moment.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk questioned as he retracted his hand and inched slightly away from her.

"You know we have to get married? Why not act like it." She said, gazing at the floor.

"You know I don't want this, stop acting as I do." Jeongguk mumbled and looked out of the window, ignoring Chungha for the rest of the ride.

Hoseok stopped them before they went out. "Should I call Yoongi to keep an eye on you two?"

Jeongguk wanted to say yes so he didn't have to be alone with Chungha but he had only opened his mouth before Chungha calmly but cold responded. "No, thank you." And got out of the vehicle.

Jeongguk sat for a while, dumbfounded before following Chungha into the restaurant, Wang Thai.

"Ah, Prince Jeongguk, Princess Chungha." A waiter greeted and bowed so much Jeongguk thought the waiter would hit his head on the floor at some point. "What can I do for you two?"

"Do you have a table for two?" Jeongguk asked as he felt Chungha link her arm with his and couldn't do anything about it because they were in public and everyone knew they were getting married.

"For you two, we always do." The waiter told and made them follow him to a more private area with dim lights and a very beautiful aesthetic.

"Thank you." Chungha and Jeongguk thanked as the waiter pulled out their chairs and handed them the menu.

"I'm taking a lobster." Chungha declared after having stared at the menu for like five minutes.

"I'm taking bulgogi," Jeongguk mumbled.

"What?" Chungha questioned, not having heard what he said.

"I'm taking bulgogi," Jeongguk repeated and Chungha just nodded as she gazed at the table.

"Are you two ready to order?" The waiter asked as he came back from what seemed to be the kitchen.

"Yes, the lady will have a lobster and I'll have bulgogi."

The waiter nodded as he wrote down the order. "What would you two like to drink?"

"Water," Chungha said at the same time as Jeongguk said. "Wine."

The waiter looked puzzled before writing that down too. "Anything else."

"I think we're good," Jeongguk replied and smiled politely.

They both sat in silence till their food came shortly after, only coming that fast because the restaurant wouldn't want to upset royal people.

"Jeongguk," Chungha spoke after having tapped her mouth with a cloth.

"What?" Jeongguk questioned and for the first time since the food came, he looked from his food and up at Chungha.

"Why don't you like me?" She popped out of the blue.

Jeongguk stared at her in shock, dropping his chopsticks on his plate and just stared at her with wide eyes and an open mouth.

When Jeongguk came back to his normal state he answered. "To be honest, I'm sure I would be head over heels for you if I weren't gay."

Now it was Chungha's turn to be shocked, she never really changed her facial expression, so the one she made was priceless.

"Do your parents know?" She questioned in a hushed voice, still looking shocked.

"I've tried to come out but my father always says I'll grow out of it and mother won't hear it," Jeongguk replied.

Chungha looked at her own lap before looking up at Jeongguk. "I love you, but if you can't love me back, I'll try to help you out of it."

Jeongguk's face brightened and he grabbed one of Chungha's hands in his. "Thank you." He said gratefully.

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