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"Mother." Jeongguk called, voice already angered.

"What do you want? Why is he here?" She asked, referring to Taehyung that were standing besides Jeongguk, his head hung low, staring down at the floor, knowing she didn't want him here.

"You can't fire my server." Jeongguk told bitterly. "So he's staying, wether you like it or not and you're going to keep paying him."

"No! He's leaving, he's not good for you!" The queen yelled and went to leave the room. "I want to see him gone."

"Mother!" Jeongguk called and took Taehyungs hand in his. "You can't make him leave."

The queen furiously turned around, her eyes piercing through the both of them as she gritted her teeth. "Why can't I?" She asked daringly.

Jeongguk pulled Taehyung closer and connected their lips in a small kiss. "Because he's mine." Jeongguk told as he stared into Taehyungs bewildered eyes.

"Jeon Jeongguk! How dare you!" The queen yelled, the king came running into the queens private room, which is where they were.

"What's going on?" The king asked worriedly, looking at Taehyung that were crying as he clutched Jeongguks nice shirt in his hands and held back sobs. Then turning his gaze to the queen that were looking at them in disgust and hate.

"He kissed a boy." The queen said, making it sound like the worst of all crimes as she pointed an accusing finger at her son.

"You kiss a girl all the time! You just don't want to admit it! Why is this so different!" Jeongguk yelled as he wrapped his arms protectively around Taehyung.

"Get away from him!" The queen yelled and went to slap Taehyung but Jeongguk quickly moved, pulling Taehyung with him as the king grabbed the queens wrist.

"Don't." The king told as he gazed at the two, Jeongguk hugging Taehyung and checking if he's alright meanwhile he sent death glares to his mother.

"Don't ever try to touch my Taehyung again, do you fucking understand!" Jeongguk shouted as he glared at her.

The queen was about to protest but the king wrapped his arms around her shoulders and stared into her eyes as he spoke. "Just let them be together till Jeongguk gets married and we'll make them part ways."

The queen nodded her head and eyed Taehyung and Jeongguk that were whispering among themselves. 

"You two can stay together but only till Jeongguk gets married, then you'll have to be separated." The king told, disturbing Jeongguk and Taehyungs conversation.

Jeongguk was about to protest but Taehyung beat him to it. "Can I at least come to the wedding?"

The queen and king looked at each other shortly and then they both nodded.

"You can't take him away from me!" Jeongguk yelled and tightened his already tight hold around Taehyung.

Taehyung turned around in Jeongguks grasp and stared at him, he let out a small giggle. "It'll be alright." Taehyung told and poked Jeongguks cheek, before freeing himself from Jeongguk.

"We'll spend a lot of time together and when the time comes, we're ready to say goodbye." Taehyung told and nodded his head at Jeongguk.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"I'm afraid you'll have to, Jungkook."

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