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"Did you have a nice free day yesterday?" The queen had called in Taehyung, presumably to have a talk with him.

Taehyung opened his mouth in shock, he was sitting in the queens private room, in front of her.

"Your highness, may I ask how you got this information?"

"Jeongguk told me, now answer the question." The queen ordered coldly as she wrote something down on a piece of paper.

"It was okay, your highness." Taehyung lied, it was absolutely awful.

"I had an argument with Jeongguk yesterday." The queen admitted, not looking up at Taehyung and continuing to write stuff down on the paper.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Taehyung whispered and looked down at his lap, back straightened.

"And that's why I'm firing you."

"What!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly as he stood up from his chair, feeling the angst and panic raise in him.

"I'm afraid you can't work here anymore, please leave as soon as possible." The queen said coldly and did a motion for him to leave.

Taehyung quickly left the room and instantly started crying, not wanting the queen to see him vulnerable.

Taehyung couldn't think, his mind was fogged and couldn't comprehend what was going on, the only word running through his mind continuously was 'Jungkook'.

Taehyung sprinted to Jeongguks room, tears running down his soft cheeks as he sobbed loudly.

Taehyung hastily opened Jeongguks door and ran directly into Jeongguks embrace, Jeongguk having been about to leave his room.

Panic arose in Jeongguk when he saw Taehyungs crying and panicked state. "What's wrong? What happened?" He asked as he took Taehyungs face in his hands.

Taehyung sobbed loudly as he clenched Jeongguks shirt in his hands, leaning in to cry against his shoulder.

"The queen, she told me to leave, she told me I'm fired." Taehyung said between sobs.

Jeongguks body stiffened but soon filled with anger, he wanted to do something but he had to comfort Taehyung first.

Jeongguk hugged Taehyung tightly. "You're not going anywhere, she can't make you leave, you're mine." Taehyung nodded against Jeongguks shoulder, his racked breath hitting Jeongguks neck.

"My father wouldn't even want you to leave." Jeongguk told and stroked Taehyungs hair.

Taehyung soon lifted his head from Jeongguks shoulder and stared directly into Jeongguks eyes. "Thank you, Jungkook, I love you."

Jeongguk smiled, a weird sense of pride filling his body as he spoke the words. "I love you too." And pecked Taehyungs right cheek, tasting the salty tears on Taehyungs wet cheek.

"I'll talk to mother and I'll talk to father and if they try to make you leave, I'll leave with you." Jeongguk told as he wiped Taehyungs cheeks.

"No!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly.

"I'm kidding, no one is leaving." Jeongguk assured and laughed a little, knowing Taehyung didn't want him to step off of the throne just because of him.

"You can't leave, you're the next king and no one is going to stop you from becoming the king, note even me! Do you hear me!" Taehyung yelled as his face showed a frown.

Jeongguk snickered and ruffled Taehyungs soft hair. "I was only just kidding."

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