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The wedding were prepared like it would actually happen and only a very small amount of people at the wedding knew what was going to happen.

Jeongguk were in the church, looking as handsome as ever.

Taehyung was in the front row, but he didn't feel well, from his perspective, the love of his life was about to marry someone else.

Taehyung were panicking and struggling to hold back his tears and when the wedding music started playing and the huge heavy doors to the church opened and the beautiful bride walked in, Princess Chungha, he almost collapsed as he stood up, Jimin that were besides him had to hold him up at some point.

Jeongguk watched as Chungha entered, wearing the wedding dress she had bought with Taehyung and a stone hard face expression, she knew what would happen.

Taehyung almost cried but definitely not in happiness, to the outside world it looked like the perfect couple.

Everyone in the church sat down and Jeongguk and Chungha stood in front of each other.

The priest spoke some supposedly meaningful words but no one were listening to his boring words, the priest was in on it too, because Jeongguk had to make sure that the priest wasn't a homophobe or something.

"Do you, Kim Chungha, take Jeon Jeongguks hand in the ups and downs that may come?"

"Yes." Chungha responded, well knowing that this wasn't the words Jeongguk were about to utter.

The priest turned to Jeongguk, trying to hide the smirk on his face. "Do you, Jeon Jeongguk, take Kim Chunghas hand in the ups and downs that may come?"

Jeongguk looked around the church and catched Taehyungs eyes, Taehyung were crying and trying to make it seem like it was out of happiness, that's when he had had enough of acting like he was actually going to go through with this stupid wedding, he couldnt believe that he would even pretend to marry someone he didn't truly love.

"I can't do this." Jeongguk spoke as he could only see Taehyung and his frightened eyes that had tears falling out of them, now he only wanted to make him happy again.

"I'm in love with someone, but not with Chungha, Kim Taehyung is the one I love and I can't do this to him, I'd do anything for him to be happy." Jeongguk spoke and walked closer to Taehyung, having easy access because he was in the front row.

Taehyung was in shock and he couldn't understand what was happening.

Jeongguk was now so close that he could grab Taehyungs hand, and he did, he grabbed Taehyungs hand and pulled him to stand.

"I love you and I can't marry someone if it's not you, I was never going to marry Chungha." Jeongguk told as he held Taehyungs wet face in his hands.

Taehyung sobbed and wrapped his arms tightly around Jeongguks neck. "I love you too." Taehyungs said between sobs, still holding Jeongguk tight and not wanting to let him go. Ever.


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