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"Jungkook." Taehyung called, Jeongguk were for once sitting in the living room, drinking a cup of tea and reading some kind of special book, probably being forced to read it by his mother.

Jeongguk hummed as he placed down his tea and looked at Taehyung, that were standing in front of him.

"Can I have the day off today?" Taehyung questioned.

"Why?" Jeongguk questioned and eyed Hoseok and Yoongi that just entered the living room, leaving when they saw the prince and his server having a conversation there.

"Because I have to go visit one of my friends today, he's an actor so I don't see him much."

"How fun, can I come?"

"He told me to come alone."

"Okay now I'm definitely not letting you go alone, what if he's planning to hurt you."

"I've known him for ages." Taehyung pointed out.

"How old is he?" Jeongguk questioned suspecially.

"He's 23."

Jeongguk gasped. "He's so old."

"What do you mean he's old? I'm 21!" Taehyung whined.

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"How could you forget I'm your hyung?"

"Because you're so small and cute."

"What do you mean I'm small? We're literally the same height."

"Whatever." Jeongguk shrugged and pulled Taehyung to sit besides him.

"Could I get a free day?"

"Of course." Jeongguk told and placed a sincere kiss on Taehyungs clothed shoulder, quickly removing his lips when he heard footsteps nearing.

Jeongguk pushed Taehyung to stand. "Don't be back too late."

"What was that?" The queen questioned with narrowed eyes after Taehyung left through the huge front door of the castle.

"He just asked for a free day." Jeongguk shrugged and continued with his book.

"Hi Bogum." Taehyung greeted an hour after getting a free day, sitting down on a small chair in a vintage coffee shop near the heart of Seoul.

"Long time no see, Taetae." Bogum greeted. "I've really missed you."

"I've missed you too Bogumie." Taehyung said happily, not minding Bogum taking his hand in his.

"I've been thinking a lot about you lately." Bogum admitted.

"Really? Why?" Taehyung questioned and tilted his head.

"I've come to the realization that I made a mistake and I want you to be my boyfriend."

Taehyung slowly but noticeably retracted his hand. "Bogum, at some point in life I loved you, I confessed to you and you turned me down, now I've gotten over that and I even found someone new, I can't turn back to you, because I don't love you like that anymore, you had your chance. I'm sorry."

"Taehyung please, just think about it."

"I already did think about it, for 6 months after you rejected me, I thought about it. Now I'm over it and I'm over you and I have someone that I really want to give it a shot with, even though it can never really happen."

Taehyung stared at Bogum for awhile, afraid he might have made the wrong decision but as he stared at him and met his eyes, he realized that he didn't feel for this man anymore, he realized that Jeongguk had taken that special place in his heart.

"I'm afraid I have to leave now." Taehyung told and stood up. "I'll see you around Bogum and if not, then I'm afraid you'll just have to let me go like I did with you."

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