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"Chungha, Jeongguk, sit down please." The queen voiced and calmly motioned the two to sit down in the two chairs in the queens private room.

"I have something to tell you two, the king already knows." The queen stated

They both nodded at the queens words, not knowing what was coming.

"I'm sick and I'm dying." The queen quickly told, her face stiff and her back straight, still seeming calm.

They both looked at her in shock, not knowing what to do or what to say.

"Jeongguk, I know you've been allowed to be with Taehyung till the day you get married to Chungha, but I need you two to have children, so I can live to see them and see our bloodline pass on." The queen pleaded with begging eyes, showing some kind of emotion for once.

Jeongguk looked down at his hands. "I'm afraid I can't do that, mother."

The queen sighed as she just stared at him, hoping he'd change his mind, but knowing he wouldn't.

"I'm sorry but I can't." Jeongguk said and rested his head in both his hands, elbows resting on the table.

"Why can't you just do this one thing for me? You never listen and you never obey, but for once I need you to do what I say!" The queen snapped.

"I can't, I just can't." Jeongguk said and shook his head in his hand and then rubbed his face.

Chungha rubbed Jeongguks back as she stared at the queen.

"I'm calling in Taehyung and if he says it's okay, you two are getting kids." The queen told.

"No!" Jeongguk yelled. "This is my choice and I don't want kids! Taehyung also wouldn't want this, you would be forcing him to say yes!"

They could both tell that the queen was about to yell at them but Jeongguk beat her to it. "You're dying, we shouldn't be fighting, we should be spending time together and we should be saying goodbye to you before we lose you."

The queen sighed and nodded her head. "You're right, you're totally right, so we're going to have a family dinner soon."

Chungha and Jeongguk nodded.

"Is there anything else you would like to share with us?" Chungha, that hadn't said anything for the whole time, spoke.

"I'm going to live with one of my friends for awhile, just to have some more peace and relax." The queen explained.

Jeongguks mouth hung open. "It's the woman you're cheating on father with, isn't it?"

"Jeongguk, it doesn't matter." The queen told.

Jeongguk wanted to yell at her, he thought it was unfair but Chungha placed a hand on Jeongguks shoulder, swiping her thumb over Jeongguks clothes shoulder to sooth him.

"It's not worth it, remember, she's dying, just let her have this one." Chungha whispered into Jeongguks ear.

Jeongguk heaved a long sighed and rubbed his face as he nodded. "I don't care where you go, as long as you get to do what you want to do before you die."

The queen nodded, stood up and for once since Jeongguk were five years old, hugged her son.

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