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Jeongguk didn't see Taehyung for the next week and when he did, he hugged him and wouldn't let go.

"Let go of him." The king ordered sternly but he didn't listen.

"Let go of me or they won't let you see me ever again." Taehyung whispered and after that, Jeongguk instantly let go.

"You're allowed to see Taehyung again but you can't have any romantic interaction at all, he's your servant." The queen told him sternly and linked her arm with the king, walking away with him.

Taehyung and Jeongguk went into Jeongguks room and as soon as the door closed behind them, Jeongguk lifted Taehyung up and spun him around as he hugged him tightly.

Taehyung giggled but felt dizzy when Jeongguk sat him back down and had to lean against Jeongguk.

"What did they do to you Taehyung? I could hear you crying through the wall every night and I wanted to go to you but they locked my door at night, so I could only sit there."

"They showed me films of people talking about how bad same sex relation ships are, I didn't believe a single word they were saying." Taehyung explained, still holding on to Jeongguk.

"They're insane."

"No, they just have some very strong beliefs."

"No, they're insane." Taehyung snickered and wrapped his arms around Jeongguks neck.

"I never said it back, but I love you too, Jungkook." Jeongguk smiled and captured Taehyungs soft and plump lips with his own.

"I missed you so much, I tried hanging out with Jimin because I was so bored but he only ever talked about Yoongi."

"Yoongi? Why?"

"They just started dating in secret, don't tell anybody." Taehyung did a motion of shutting his mouth with his fingers and they both giggled.

"Can we lay down?" Taehyung questioned and Jeongguk nodded, picking up Taehyung, bridal style without warning and dancing around with him in his arms before carefully laying him down on his big bed and then laying down besides him, wrapping an arm under Taehyung and pulling him closer.

Taehyung sighed in content. "What did you do throughout this week?"

"I just, was scolded all the time and was handed a lot off work to do."

"Sounds boring."

"It really was and I still have some work to do, so I'm forcing you to help me with it." Taehyung snickered and nodded.

"I would be glad to help you with it." He then pecked Jeongguks cheek and grabbed the hand that wasn't wrapped around him, intertwining their fingers together.

They laid in silence, having missed each other for the past week.

"Did you speak to your father or mother through out this week?" Taehyung questioned.

"Nope, only the arguments."

"It's all such a mess." Taehyung mumbled and looked up at the ceiling.

"No, it's pretty easy, we run away to another country, get married and forget about this shit." Taehyung snickered and shook his head.

"You're going to be king and you're going to marry Chungha and I'll be your lover."

Jeongguk whined. "I liked my idea much better."

Taehyung hummed. "I did too, but you can't just run away from your responsibilities."

"Fuck responsibility, I want a boyfriend, not a wife."

Taehyung laughed and pecked Jeongguks nose, Jeongguk scrunching up his cute button nose. "What if I don't want to be your boyfriend?"

"You don't have a choice, you're mine now." Jeongguk told and wrapped his arms tightly around Taehyungs waist, pulling him closer.

Taehyung leaned his head on Jeongguks shoulder and closed his eyes, smiling warmly and enjoyed the nice and calming smell of Jeongguk.

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