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"Taehyungie, I'm hungry," Jeongguk whined.

"Taehyungie?" Taehyung questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"That's you," Jeongguk told.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, I guessed that already."

"Hey don't be rude to the prince!"

"I'm sorry." Taehyung apologized and bowed sincerely.

"Don't apologize," Jeongguk told and threw a crumpled piece of paper at the back of Taehyung's head.

They were in Jeongguk's desk room, Jeongguk having called Taehyung in to say he was hungry.

"If you're hungry, you should go find Jin instead," Taehyung told.

"No," Jeongguk whined. "You should go find Jin, I'm too lazy."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "What do you want to eat?"

"Cotton candy, I have a machine I got last year," Jeongguk said and smiled. "You can have some too."

Taehyung snickered. "You're incredible." He told as he shook his head. "I'll go get you your cotton candy," Taehyung said and walked up to Jeongguk, ruffling his soft brown hair, Jeongguk giggled and very lightly pushed Taehyung away.

"You can do that when I have got my cotton candy."

"You're so informal," Taehyung commented.

"Like you aren't." Jeongguk fired back.

"That's because we're friends." Taehyung paused. "Right?" He asked, getting worried that they weren't.

"Of course we are, you're my best and only friend," Jeongguk told and ruffled Taehyungs hair like Taehyung just did to him.

"Just go get my cotton candy."

"Aish, this kid," Taehyung said, laughing to himself as he left the room.

"He's got a great ass," Jeongguk mumbled and continued with what he was doing before Taehyung came in, waiting on his cotton candy while doing so.

There was a light knock on Jeongguk's door and the words "Prince Jeongguk." Then a small head peeked from the door.

Jeongguk snickered at the sight. "What's up, Jimin?"

Jimin blushes and silently entered the room. "Have you seen Yoongi?"

"I think he's with my mother somewhere, I think she's visiting some friend."

Jimin nodded disappointed and almost collided with Taehyung that were just entering as he was about to leave.

"Hey, Chim." Taehyung greeted.

Jimin didn't respond and just eyed the cotton candy in Taehyungs hands.

"Want one?" Taehyung questioned, capturing Jimins gaze.

Jimin nodded happily and Taehyung handed him some cotton candy.

"Thanks." Jimin thanked happily, his eyes disappearing as he smiled and happily skipped out of the room, leaving Taehyung and Jeongguk alone.

"Here you go," Taehyung said and handed Jeongguk the cotton candy.

"What about you?" Jeongguk questioned as he carefully took the cotton candy from Taehyung.

"It's okay, I didn't really want any to begin with," Taehyung explained.

"Nonsense." Jeongguk dismissed and motioned for Taehyung to come to him.

Taehyung stood in front of Jeongguk, Jeongguk still sitting on his chair.

"We can just share," Jeongguk told as he peeled off some cotton candy, making Taehyung open his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth, Taehyung tasting the sweet and pink cloud-like candy.

"It's good," Taehyung commented and walked to sit on the mini couch in Jeongguk's desk room.

"I know, it's delicious," Jeongguk said as he filled his own mouth with cotton candy, Taehyung laughed at him and shook his head.

"Did you need me for anything else?" Taehyung questioned thoughtfully.

"Just stay here for a while, I like having you here," Jeongguk responded.

"Well, I like being here too, its better than at home."

"What do you mean 'at home', you live here."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah yeah." Jeongguk dismissed.

They both sat and relaxed, just making small talk and talking about the happy times as a child.

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