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"Where have you two been?" Jeongguk questioned as soon as Taehyung and Chungha entered the big castle, through the two big front doors.

"We were just out buying some new stuff, including my wedding dress." Chungha explained.

"You're not going to need that." Jeongguk snapped and grabbed one of Taehyungs hands in his.

"Why'd you go with her, I've been looking and asking for you all day." Jeongguk asked, his worried eyes gazing all over Taehyung to make sure nothing had happened to him.

"Because she asked me to and your father said it was okay for me to go with her." Taehyung responded, looking into Jeongguks eyes with his own.

"Why didn't you ask me?"

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know, I thought it would be alright to just ask your father."

"But you're mine."

"I'm not anybody's, I just mainly work for you." Taehyung explained.

"I'm going to go." Chungha told and slowly left, being completely ignored by the two others.

"Then you should've asked me instead."

"I'm sorry, you could've also just been there."

"No I could not! I'm so tired of listening to them, the only thing they ever talk about is the wedding I didn't ask for!"

"I understand!"

"No you don't, you keep saying that you understand but you don't, I don't want to be here, I want to be in a world where I'm allowed to be with the one i love, without it being illegal and I don't want to be forced to marry someone I could only ever look at as a friend."

Taehyung felt tears prick at his eyes as he took a step towards Jeongguk and took his face in his hands. "Don't cry."

Jeongguk didn't even realize he was crying till Taehyung told him. Jeongguk grabbed Taehyungs hands and kissed the bridge of the both of them.

"I've fallen so deeply in love with you." Jeongguk whispered.

"No you have not!" Taehyung tried to take his hands from Jeongguk when he heard the kings loud voice roar through the room, but Jeongguk only tightened his grip on Taehyungs, not wanting to let him go, just because he interrupted them.

"Father, you can't force me to marry Chungha, Taehyung is the one I love." After those words, Taehyung couldn't hold it anymore and he just let the tears flow down his soft cheeks.

"I understand that Taehyung is a lovable person, even for a man but you can't love him, Jeongguk, you're only allowed to love Chungha and only her, this is just an illusion, a sickness, a man could never love another man like he can love a woman." The king spoke, speaking his beliefs and with all his force, pulling their hands away from each other.

"I hate you!" Jeongguk growled, only receiving a painful smack to his cheek.

"Taehyung." The king called sternly.

"Yes, your majesty." Taehyung replied and bowed, trying to keep his voice from shaking and his lips from trembling but he was unable to do so.

"Let's get you a shower and then I'll have a long talk with Jeongguk."

"Your majesty, please don't be rough on him." Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with his big watery eyes, filled with longing for him. "He's only a child."

"I know."

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