Chapter 19

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Journey Pov

I woke up and went outside and check my mailbox to see if I have any mail and I did so I pick up all my mail and put it inside the house and went into the living room and read them and I saw that I had bills that I need to pay so I told myself I will be paying them today then I saw that Chres sent me mail so I open and saw it was one of his letters so I read it.

Journey I know you told me that we are just friends but I can't be just friends with you. Journey I know I mess up and sorry and a bunch of letters wouldn't change your heart. When we was together I was young and stupid and I didn't know I had something good until I went and fuck it up with another person but am not the same person anymore I have change for me, every day I wake up I keep thinking about you and all the good times we had, look I know am not perfect but am willing to change to be the man you want so lets sit down and talk.

After reading Chresanto letter I pull  my phone out my pocket and text Chres to meet up at Waffle House to talk and he was like okay so I went and take a shower.

Alyssa Pov

I feel like my sister only talks to me unless it's business and it's pissing me off cause it's 4 days until my wedding day and we need to talk cause this only calling for work is pissing me off and I think I know what is. It's because I found someone who hurt me or cheat on me and she is angry that she can't find someone like that but don't worry I will be calling her ass to talk.

Princeton Pov

I know it's been a minute since yall heard from me but y'all should know that proposed to Amber and am the CEO of the company I use to work at which is a billion dollar company that signs actors, actress, artists, and backup dancers it helps them get jobs. Me and Amber is getting married in 4 months and yes I still live in New York with Roc, I didn't feel like moving and am happy with the woman am with she makes me happy.

Journey Pov

I was at Waffle House waiting for Roc when I saw him I forgot how fine he looked but I stick to what I will be telling him cause me and Roc are not ready yet.

Roc: Am here beautiful so tell me what's up.
Journey: I know you know I read the letter you sent.
Roc: Oh you did and what you think.?
Journey: I think we are not ready yet to get back together I need time to think.
Roc: To think about if you want to be with me?
Journey: Yeah I do and I want to know if am making the right choice.
Roc: Okay fine.

Roc left out of Waffle House upset and Journey walk out to her car and got in and start it and drive home and once she got home she got her lyric book and start working on another song.

Ray Ray Pov

I was work thinking about how strange lately Kylee have been acting so since it was 7 I took off and went home and cook dinner cause I want me and Kylee to talk, I want her to tell me what is going on with her. So I told everyone that I was leaving and whoever leaves the last lock up and I got in my car and drive home, once I reach home I unlock the door and put my stuff down and head straight to the kitchen and start cooking dinner, once I was done I pick my stuff up and head up to our room and went to go take a shower.

Kylee: Baby I am home.
Ray: Upstairs in our room. *went upstairs*
Kylee: Baby you cook dinner?
Ray: Yes I did cause I want us to talk about you.
Kylee: Baby like I told you this morning am fine.
Ray: No your not your hiding something but take a shower and come downstairs.

Kylee went to take off her clothes to take a shower while Ray went downstairs to set the table when Kylee was finished she got dressed and head downstairs.

Ray: So how was your day at work babe?
Kylee: It was amazing and 4 teenagers got sign to go on tour with 4 different artists.
Ray: That is amazing.
Kylee: But how about you baby how was your day.?
Ray: It was okay but what is it you been hiding from me.?
Kylee: I think I should tell you the truth before I met you I was in an abusive relationship and the guy will hit me and cheat on me but one night I ran away far away that is how I start my dancing and with that, I change my name but one night I had a nightmare about him coming to get me.
Ray: Nobody is going to touch you while am here remember that I will protect you no what.

I thought to myself that I will take her out for a nice romantic walk in the park then a picnic cause she needs it and some time to relax but first I will take her to the spa first after work.

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