Chapter 2- Again

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Flashback of Elly's first love.

During the late summer of middle school, Elly's Mom was in a rush in the counter to question Elly something. Her beautiful mother was named Grace after the grace (eloquence or beauty of form, kindness, mercy, favor), which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks). The name was made popular by 17th-century Puritans, who bestowed it in reference to God's favor and love toward mankind.

Grace's mother knew Grace is far from what evil conquers the world. She lived with it but she killed them with kindness.

"Elly, do you remember Ash?" Mrs. Grace Foster questioned. This is was what she was planning to ask her earlier.

Elly Foster's P.O.V

It was during the late summer of 2016 when I heard from him again from my Mom. Mom asked me whether I still remember a good old friend. I never cared about his existence nor did he cared about mine. It's been 10 years ever since we last had our childhood conversation. I can still remember his last words. It went like a sad love song. "Goodbye Elly!"

Of course, goodbyes were always painful to admit, but we had to say it before they really left.

His family had to move to Adelaide, Australia for his Mom and Dad had plans for a better future than having him here in the Philippines. OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers are very much praised in the Philippines for they are heroes. They move to other countries to earn more and make a living, so that's what his parents did.

Ash's family had been staying in Australia as immigrants for almost 6 years. Every year, I would notice Ash changing and every time I would come to see him, he becomes more distant until on the 3rd year we never spoke nor looked at each other again. I felt like Ash hated me for that. He hated me for I never gave much effort to make the friendship last. I also felt like he considered me an enemy of some sort. He often glares at me randomly ever year that I would always try to tell my parents that I don't want to pay him and his family a visit even if it means not getting my pasalubong or gift from abroad.

It's not like I don't want to keep in touch, but why make effort when the other person doesn't do the same? Friendship is not a give and take, it's a give and give, right?

After all the flashbacks, I finally had the guts to answer my Mom. "Not really, but I guess I remember him."

My Mom laughed for she knew when I was lying or not. "Iha, he's your childhood friend of course you remember him! It's impossible to forget someone you had many memories with."

I rolled my eyes with a sarcastic smirk on my face. "I'm serious, Ma! He's gone and what's there to talk about him?"

"Oh about him being gone. He's coming back! His parents decided to bring him back here in the Philippines for his secondary education." Mom said happily. "Which means, I need you to befriend him again and you're all he has in school."

"What?! He's a foreigner now and coming back here will make him popular in school. He'll be a famous jock in no time!" I joked.

"He's shy remember?" Mom replied.

"I don't know, but I think he's a brat as always." He's really spoiled by his parents, so he probably is a brat until this very day.

"Non sense! He's just shy." Mom reasoned again.

"Whatever Ma. He's going to do fine."

What I meant by him doing fine is him living a life without me. Who needs me? I mean, aside from my cat who needs constant support, who else?

"Elly, I need you to send the scheduled orientations to him before Saturday, okay? I know you're not friends with him on Facebook, so please make some effort to have contact with him." Mom mentioned about him again which destroyed another part of my day.

"Urgh!" I shrugged because nothing is worst than befriending your enemy.

*beep* *beep* My phone's notification ringtone sounded and as I checked my phone, someone friend requested me.

Ash Joren sent you a friend request.

"Oh dear." I gulped.

Being the considerate person I am, I accepted the friend request. Ew?

And there he is typing something in messenger and I can't wait to seen zone it, I guess.

Ash: Hey
Ash: May I ask for the schedules?
Ash: My Mom said you have them.
Ash: I'm Ash by the way. Do you remember me?

I had no escape especially when Tita Tess is involved because she's my favorite Tita. I guess I'm sending a photo of the schedules.

Here. *Elly sent a photo*
Ash: Thanks!

Oh my, it's finally done. I'm socially awkward so I don't find talking to people helpful. I'm never speaking to him again.

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