chapters 38

69 18 22

" I love you yesterday, I love you still, I always have and I always will". Happy Valentine's Day.

Elizabeth POV

Waking up the next day to start my first day back at class, Maria and I went to hit showers early. After we were through i pulled out a jeans and t-shirt and some tennis shoes.

"Back to your old dresses habits I see".

Maria said with a smiled.

"I guess so".

"You know lizzy, it's great to have you back around here, even though you don't remember being you, you are still the same Elizabeth I met a few months ago".

"Thank you Maria".

"See, I told you. You are always thanking people".

We both smiled at each other.

After she had finished applying her make-up we went out to grab something to eat.

"Will Jacques be here?".

"Maybe later this evening".

"I thought he came here".

"Not exactly, he had HRM classes with you on Mondays but he got a job as Sanders Global as there new web designer".

"So technically he's working for Andre".


We arrived at a coffe shop on campus and I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and a Orange juice and Maria ordered a beacon and egg sandwich with coffee.

"Do you know if I had any friends in class?".

"Not that I know of, it was just Andre and Jacques that i'm sure of".

"Okay, now I will be there alone today. That should be easy".

We had our breakfast and head back for class. Maria had went her separate way and I tried to find my class when I met up with a man who seemed to have met me before.

"Hi miss Johnson".


He seemed to appeared like someone I've met before personally.

"I've heard about your accident, im very sorry. How are you feeling?".

"I'm doing okay thank you. And you arrrrrrrre?".

I questioned in a none rude way.

"I am the chancellor of this here university and also Andre's uncle Edward".

"I'm sorry sir"

"It's okay miss Johnson".

"I'm I in some from of trouble?".

"No miss Johnson, I am actually her to you for a different reason".

"What's that?".

"Andre had asked me to assign someone to take you around campus and your classes".

"He did?".

"Yes he have, but I've decided to do it myself personally. He can be quite protective you know".

"So the stories are true".

I said to myself.

"Right now you have class with Mrs. Dyrdek which is right down the hall this way".

"Thank you sir".

"Please call me Edward".

He said and went away.

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