Rich's fanfiction [Fluff]

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Alright, circles

Got you some fluff to help you from the angst, it's like regular fluff, but with more wheezing from the pair!

JUsT cLeAr (queer)

Had too
Couldn't help myself ówò

'Rich wrote fanfiction about us?'

Jeremy asked, flipping through the many pages of books.
Michael nodded frantically, surprised someone like Rich would have the time to write something about him. Oh, and about Jeremy.

Michael grabbed a fanfiction out of Jeremy's hands. 'Gosh, I hope he's not that passionate about it.'
Jeremy gulped, looking at Michael. Jeremy blinked and then looked at the title. 'What if it's something graphic?!'
Michael blinked, reading the title.
'Says here that this one's . . . A fluff fic?' He looked to Jeremy in confusion, but said boy only held the same face of confusion.
'What's that supposed to mean?'
Jeremy asked, Michael shrugged. 'Let's find out.'

Michael then got an idea, he turned to his best friend and grinned playfully.
'We should do this, like, act it out! It'll be hilarious!' Like, Michael did have a crush on Jeremy. And he didn't mind doing this, besides, little did he know said boy liked him back. Jeremy frowned, 'Hilariously gay.'
Michael giggled, and then cleared his throat. He flipped the paper, and shuffled over to Jeremy's seat to sit next to the boy. He read the title.

'Flowers for my Valentine' Michael giggled, then took an inhale and an exhale before adding.
'A boyf riends fanfic'
Jeremy groaned, pointing to the bottom of heading. 'Seriously? This whole boyf riends thing again? Ugh.' He giggled, resting his head in his hand. Michael shrugged,
'Guess its a simplified version of Michael x Jeremy.' Michael cringed and added, 'Now shut up, and let me read.'

Michael cleared his throat. As he read.
'Today was the day, no going back on plans. Micha was-'
'Micha?' Jeremy giggled, Michael glared at him playfully. 'What part of shut up do you not understand?' Michael cleared his throat and continued.
'Micha was going to come out and confess his love for Jeremy-'
They snorted, and then started having an uncontrollable laughing fit. Jeremy snatched the paper and shushed Michael, 'I'll do it, I'll do it.'
Jeremy cleared his throat. He decided to start from the beginning.

'Today was the day. No going back on plans. Micha was going to come out and confess his love to Jeremy . . .' Jeremy added a dramatic pause, before finishing the sentence 'with a gift. . .' Michael in that long pause stood up confidently with a hand to his hip, and the other in his hair. Jeremy giggled, but then realised. 'Wait, a gift?' He blinked, Michael looked around 'Shit, we don't have flowers.' Jeremy looked around, grabbed a pencil and handed it to Michael.

Michael grabbed the fanfiction, and straightened up.
'Today was Valentine's Day and Micha has been nervous the last few weeks. Would Jeremy reject his gift . . . And love?' He turned to Jeremy and poked the pencil in his cheek, Jeremy held back his giggles and flipped Michael off. Michael continued,
'Or would he feel the same way?
Micha sighed.'
Michael inhales, and then exhaled a heavy sigh.
Jeremy took the fanfiction, it was his time to read while Michael acted out what was happening.

'He parked his PT cruiser on Jeremy's driveway and sat in his seat, he wasn't quiet sure if he was ready yet. He glanced over the bouquet of flowers and picked them up.'
Michael looked around and grabbed a pencil case with the pencil.
'Holding the flowers close to his chest, he wished himself good luck, and excited the car.'
Michael prayed, 'Dear Bob Marley, please let Jeremy Heere love me back.' He said jokingly, and then kicked the air. To show he was exiting his car.

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