Skskskskn thank you [jesus christ]

2.8K 70 210

Would you believe it if I told you I am at 400 followers?
Of course you would but
I can't

Like literally I thought I was nearly at 300 but
tURnS oUt I'VE mIstAken hOw mAny PeoPle On WAttpAd lIkE mY StUff

Like oh my god, it is actually unbelievable, I can't handle how amazing you guys are and I wanna cry.

SOo, I'm gonna tag everyone again because I'm not lazy and ACTUALLY have the time to do it, unlike some authors who merely wish to tag all their followers.

I was given a "positivity chain" by Els_Bisexual_Eggos

Also bISH I can't choose 10 of my favourite followers, all of my followers are my favourite In fact, I like; hate referring to you guys as followers

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Also bISH I can't choose 10 of my favourite followers, all of my followers are my favourite
In fact, I like; hate referring to you guys as followers.

I just feel,,, I don't know
Like you're not just followes, you guys are what keep me... alive. You're very special to me, and to just slap a label of "follower" on you just makes me feel horrible, like I'm a bad friend almost.

So too bad all of you are my friends whether you like it or not >:3

Oh yeah I gotta do the chain
DISCLAIMER: you can do the positivity chain if you want to, I'm not trying to force you to do it or cry if you don't. It's YOUR choice if YOU want to do it.

Anyway so let's uh
Say five things about myself??
Hell no!

Let's twist this to five things I like aBOUT YOU GUYS >:D
I pulled a sneaky on ya

1) the fact that y'all have stayed for this long

Y'all remember when I made BEST FRIEND, MICHAEL? No? Good cause I don't, Wattpad doesn't either. Only comment chains do

Well, lemme tell ya
It was a long time ago, and when it was finally done, I made this book and announced that it was published. And SO MANY came rushing over as if it were an ice cream truck
And you know what?
That really warms my heart!

You know this book has gotten a lot more attention then BEST FRIEND, MICHAEL so some of you might not get what I'm babbling about
I'm sorry ;-;

2) you've really helped me along the way

I have publically thanked people in the past for helping me out, and I'm doing it again. SERIOUSLY you don't understand how much better I feel about writing now thanks to advice given to me by Salty_Uchiha (like seriously I can't thank you enough)

3) the great friends I've made along the way

All of you

I love all of you individually because honestly
I wanna hug you all, all 40... 405 of you??

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