Bored and horny [Smut]

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Sorry for all the smut, but a BUNCH of you wanted smut. So I'm just trying to deliver.

And now is a good time to talk about my recent hiatus, I apologise deeply but I was caught up with a lot of things in my life and feeling like absolute shit that hiatus' might be a common thing. I know I certainly need breaks every once in a while, I hope you all can understand.

~Jeremy's pov~

I'm bored.
And horny.

'Michaaaeeelll...' I whine as I call him, waiting for him to pick up. Michael picks up not even half a minute later.
'Hey buttercup!' Michael chirped on the other line, obviously in a good mood. Jeremy smiled, trying not to laugh at Michaels adorableness. 'Didn't I tell you to stop with the shitty nicknames?'
Michael smiles through the phone, 'Shut up, you love me.'
I smirk, 'Unfortunately.'
Michael gasps dramatically over the phone.

I giggle, 'Just kidding, just kidding!' Michael laughs, 'I know, I know.'
'Anyway!' I chirp, 'Can you come over to...' I flush, how do I ask him to come over and fuck me without having a breakdown of all the possibilities of this ending up going downhill-
'Come over to...?' Jeremy heard Michael shift, as if sitting up.
'Come over to... u-uh.. um...' Jeremy gulped, inhaling 'p-play video g-games...?' I sounded unsure of what I was proposing, but I was essentially asking Michael to come over so...
'Oh? Sure, Jere-bear! I'll come over right now!' Michael said immediately hung up, and I assumed Michael was getting ready, or something.


Michael was now over, chirpy as always, with the big grin that I always gushed for. But I was still horny, and I planned to get fucked.
I'm leaned down on a beanbag, holding a pillow as Michael is sat down next to him on his own beanbag. 'So,' Michael looked down at Jeremy with a smile, 'what game are we gonna play?'
Jeremy bit his lip, 'I uh, don't feel like playing a game... I just wanted your company.'

Michael smiled, 'Aww, that's so cute.' Jeremy flushed as Michael leaned down to kiss Jeremy on the cheek.
Jeremy squirmed, and Michael sat up 'I'll play by myself then.' Smiling and humming a Bob Marley song as he kneeled down on the box of one player games and looked for a game that caught his attention.

Michael picked a game, and in no matter of time, Michael was leaned on the beanbag and playing the single player mode of some Star Wars LEGO game.
'You're such a dork.' I had commented.
'You caught feelings for the dork.' Michael had retorted.
'True.' I smiled.

I watched Michael concentrate on his game, which, seeing as it was a LEGO game, didn't seem to need much concentration. But Michael was determined to get through the levels of the game, even if they were shit and easy because they were designed for seven year olds.
To tease him, I would lean over and make his character do stupid things, and they would always get to Michael. It was hilarious.
'Stop it, jackass!'
'I doesn't do anything!' I joked, being a little shit. It distracted both of us, him from his game and me forgetting the reason I wanted him here was so he could fuck me.

At one point, there was a cutscene. It looked important, like Michael HAD to listen to it. And he was, listening carefully to take in all the details.
I wanted to distract him again, tick him off. But how?
I think about why I called him here... that's it!
'Hey mike?' I called out, making it so my voice was slightly louder so he couldn't hear the characters talking. Michael fumed, 'Dude! Shush, I have to listen to-'

'I want you to fuck me.'

Michael almost dropped his controller, he flushed up.

'You what?' Michael turned to me, seemingly forgetting the game.
I laugh, 'Just want you to fuck me, is all.' I turn to the tv and watch the cutscene fade into gameplay mode.
Michael just stares at me with a raised brow, and then looks to the tv, he looks at me again.
'Like, now?' Michael asks, I nod, looking at him. Michael looks at the game again before looking at me with smirk.
'I dunno, you don't really deserve it. You just made me miss out on some information I could've used, and you've been messing with me for some time now...'
I look at him, this time it's me whose surprised.

Michael? Turning down a chance to fuck? Who is this man?

'Please,' I rub my temples, 'you can just ask an npc about where to go.' I whine, 'You can still play the game and fuck me.'
Michael smirked, rolling his eyes. 'I dunno, don't think you deserve it.'
I look at him, and hold onto the pillow. 'Micha..!' I whine, drawing his name out long.
'Fine fine, but I'm still playing the game.' Michael sighs, crawling over to me.

I smile in excitement, finally.

Michael holds the controller in one hand—he's saving his game—and he takes down his pants and boxers with his other, I look back and see Michael is only half hard, but I know that'll change in a few seconds.
Michael takes down my pants and boxers, 'D'you need prep?' He asks.
I flush, looking away from Michael 'I did it before you came.'
Michael chuckles deeply, and looks behind him to lean back and grab a small pillow. He snakes his hand under my stomach and lifts my hips up so he can place the pillow under me.
'Very.' I sigh happily.

Michael adjusted himself and slowly yet surely I feel him press his tip inside me, my breath hitches as I hold onto the pillow and tilt my head to get a good look at him. He's concentrating on me for the moment as he bites his lip and pushes himself all the way in, I breath heavily and shove my face in the pillow as Michael groans.
'Alright, in position, back to the game now.' Michael un-pauses the game, and proceeds to play it as he slowly bucks his hips out and quickly thrusts back in as he grunts to himself.
'F-fuck!'I make an embarrassing noise as I jolt at this short sensation, that will quickly return.
Michael hums to himself, 'I'm going to battle a boss, but as soon as I'm done you'll be having the time of your life, I assure you.' Michael says as he smashes 'a' to get through some dialogue, grunting every so often as he thrusts into me at a moderate pace. I pant underneath him. 'So you won't go any f-faster?' I whine, Michael chuckles a bit, 'Yup, you can beg all you want.'

Michael makes sure to snap his hips into me as he says this, making me completely undone. I squeal a moan of Michaels name. Michael chuckles.

Time passes, and Michael still hasn't beaten the boss. And it's driving me through the roof!
I whine, he may be fucking me, but it's not quick or rough, just boring.
'Gah~' I breath, 'hah, Michael' I draw his name out, 'beat this boss already!!' I bite my lip as Michael bucks his hips repeatedly at this moderate pace.
Michael chuckles, 'Yeah yeah, patience dude!' He huffs. Starting to smash the buttons frantically as he tries his best to finish this boss fight off quickly.

'Heh,' Michael puffs 'he was no match for me.' Michael says after he beats the level and saves his progress. He tosses the controller to the side and moves his hands to my hips, leaning down to kiss my neck. My neck tingles.
'You were so good baby,' he murmurs, as he starts speeding up, 'waiting for me despite being impatient. You definitely deserve a reward.'
I feel Michael pull away and grab a handful of my locks before tugging them, I moan. Moaning more as Michael snaps his hips into me, fast and rough, now that's a combination I'd like to see again whenever we do this.

'Aah!~ o-only for you, Michael~' I say, Michael hums, leaning down to my shoulder, 'That's right, Jere-bear. Now shush, let me take care of you.' Michael says, now starting to suck on my neck as he thrusts into me.
I hold onto the pillow for dear life, moaning like it's all I can do.

Time passes and I'm satisfied when Michael finally cums and makes both of us worn out and satisfied.
We cuddle in the bathtub afterward, just enjoying each other's company,

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