(Let me be your) Teddy bear [Fluff]

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So like
This is a sequel to the oneshot 'This is love'


I headcanon that, like Michael, Jeremy listens to old music. Preferably Elvis Presley.

I dunno, just get a big vibe of Elvis whenever I listen to Will Connolly sing in Be More Chill the ocr, I don't get that vibe to with Will Roland because that man does a great job of making Jeremy really stuttery and nervous and just loses the Elvis vibe in the obcr.

So yeah

Also, funfact about me. When I write these oneshots I usually listen to Elvis because even though I know the lyrics to all his wonderful songs I don't get AS distracted as I do when I listen to say, Bob Marley or any musical ;-;

So yeah, Elvis fucking slaps

Also to answer a question practically no one asked

I chose Teddy bear instead of Heartbreak Hotel because it's lyrics are repetitive like Bob Marleys Is this love, I was thinking of She's not you but like... doesn't work with Jeremy and Michaels relationship.

Anyway, let's start to chapter!

Michael grumbled, 'Babe wuh? I can't understand your English you're talking way too fast.'

He rubbed his temples and put his glasses on, yawning. Michaels boyfriend apologises on the other line of the phone over and over again until Michael tells Jeremy to shut up and calm his tits for the love of god.

'What do do you want?' Michael sighed, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 'It's like,' he turned to his alarm clock which read five am on a Saturday morning. Michael groaned 'fucking hell, it's five am.'

Jeremy giggled, 'Don't worry! There's a good reason I called, Micha.' Michael could practically hear Jeremy's smile, and sighed. 'And why would that be? Are you coming over?'

Michael stretched one of his arms, adjusting his gray singlet. His boyfriend had his hoodie, and probably was wearing it now.

'As much as I love seeing you, Jere-bear. You know my mums are gonna flip if they hear me walking around the house to come and open the door for you, they'll be even more pissed if they hear us making too much noise.' Michael thought for a moment, 'Why are you coming over, anyway?' He then thought again, and realised Jeremy hadn't even confirmed if he was coming over. 'Are you even coming over-'

'Yes I'm coming over, and we'll be quiet. We can use your headphones to-'  Jeremy's voice come to an abrupt stop and Jeremy caught himself in his lack of words, 'I'm coming over to um, show you something, like some new music I found. Erm, is that okay?'

Michael thinks for a moment, new music?

'Yes darling you're welcome over,  how close are you to my house right now?' Michael asked, standing up and grabbing a black shirt with a Bob Marley logo printed on it. He doesn't put it on yet, but he does walk up the stairs of his basement with it for when he does put it on. 'Oh I'm at your driveway now, just open the door o-okay?' Jeremy replied, and after his response Jeremy hung up. Michael didn't mind, putting his phone in the pocket of his shorts as he cautiously  walks to the living room, he puts the shirt on and by the time its on hes at the door. Michael gulps and cautiously opens it, and sees Jeremy fiddling with the bottom of Michaels hoodie, he looks up, almost startled. 'O-Oh, hi..' Jeremy says quite quietly, smiling. Michael gives a playful grin back, 'The suns almost rising,' Michael pointed out, 'were you that eager to see me now?'

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