Michael Mell is an idiot [Fluff + Smut]

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Also, smut at the end of the chapter so be prepared :^
Don't say I didn't warn you

Middleborough high school
School starts at 7:20am, and ends at 1:50 pm
~Michaels pov~
== Time : 8 : 08 am ==

First period starts in four minutes, first period I have history. And today I've made the unfortunate mistake of forgetting my history book!

I'm in dire need of assistance.

I look around, and see uh. . Oh! Brooke and Chloe!

I'll have to ask Brooke for help, you see, next period I have History and I didn't bring my book today. Chloe's in my history class, so she needs hers in her hands. So, Brooke will be of great help!

I'd ask Jeremy, but he's also in my history class.

'Brooke!' I grab the attention of the blonde and her friend, who both stop in their tracks to look to me as I run toward them.

'Hey, can I borrow your history book for next period?'

Brooke thought about it and smiled, 'Oh, sure. I don't have history till fifth period, anyway.' She said, looking around for her locker. 'Just remember to give it back to me at break, okay?'

I nod, frantically. Smiling gratefully, 'Will do, and you're a life savour.'

I look to Chloe who stares blankly ahead, and noticed something.


My phone autocorrected wait into that so I'm just gonna keep it, 😂

I look away from their intertwined hands and toward their faces, 'Do you guys always go around holding eachothers hands?'

Brooke nodded, opening her mouth to speak. Chloe though, her face turned to an evil smirk. A face I only see on Rich, this can't be good.

'It's 'cause we're best friends.' Chloe says determinedly, Brooke looks to her with a raised brow.

Oh? Friends . . . Do that? Well, apparently these friends do. .?

'Oh, Uh . . . Fair enough.'


== Time : 10 : 08 am ==

I walk past the break area, ready to give back Brooke's history book. Jeremy knows, and we'll be meeting up at our table in the cafeteria after I return what isn't mine.

I know Brooke and Chloe - when not hanging out with Rich, Jake, Jenna, Christine, and Jeremy and I - hang out here since it's Brooke's favourite spit behind the school.

I spot them, and walk toward them, Brooke on her phone, texting or tweeting. 'Uh, hey guys.' I say, catching Chloe's attention at least.

Chloe brings out her hand and points to Brooke's history book, which is in my hand, and does a grabbing motion. So, from what her body language tells me to do, I give it to her.

I realise that Brooke's in Chloe's lap.

'Why is Brooke in your lap?' I ask Chloe as she puts the book on top of Brooke's light blue purse and her dark blue one.

Chloe turns to me with that same devil smirk, 'It's cause she's my best friend.'

They do that too? Do best friends do that too??


== Time : 1 : 57 pm ==

The SQUIP squad meet in the parking lot, Christine and Jenna being the last ones to arrive. Jeremy and I were the first, as always, and had waited for the gang.

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