Is this love? [Fluff]

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I'm listenin' to Marley, and the groove is soundin' gnarly

And we're almost at the end of the song!


Turns out my dad has a disc of Bob Marley songs that can be put into a radio :0

I can listen to the good kush now, from the radio, as I write gay stuff and stay away from scary society

Big fun :D

By the way, they're like . . . Let's say in freshman year, when Michael found out about Bob Marley. At like . . . Two am in the morning, lmao

'Dude, dude, dude, dude.'
Michaels voice raced over the phone.

'Michael, it's two in the morning.' Jeremy grumbled.


'Michael you grape, guys like us need to sleep.'

'Too bad, dude.' Michael chuckles, Jeremy basically can hear his smirk. Jeremy shakes his head, sitting up in the bed and rubbing some sleep out of his eyes. 'What is it, Michael?'

'I'm coming over, unlock your window.' Michael replied quickly, making it hard for Jeremy to process what the teen was saying. 'You're . . . what?'

Michael breathed a heavy sigh, Jeremy could hear his footsteps come to a slow stop. Michael grumbled on the other line, 'I said, I'm coming over. Unlock your window or I'll break it and then you.'

Jeremy's eyes widened, 'You're going to break me?' His voice cracked dangerously, poor vocal chords.

'I will, what? Are you into that?'

Jeremy fell out of the bed, 'Nope! I'll open the window, I'll open the window!' Jeremy protested, trying to run to the window but tripping by the trap of the covers several time. Michael giggled on the other line, 'Thank you~'

Jeremy grumbled as he unlocked the window, 'I snapped off the window lock, are you satisfied?' Michael giggled, 'Good, that means I can do this.'

Next thing you know Michael pressed his body to the window and scared the soul out of Jeremy. Jeremy screamed and fell on the floor as Michael laughed hysterically at him, he opened the window and walked in; still laughing as Jeremy curled up into a ball. 'Why would you do that?!'

'Why not?' Michael purred, pulling his hand out and smiling as Jeremy growled at him, face flushed with embarrassment. 'Don't do that, I almost shit myself.' Jeremy squeaked, as he took his friends help and stood up.

Jeremy yawned and stretched his arms above his head as Michael jumped to his bed, 'Did you just come here to scare me and steal my bed? Or is there a reason for you to be here?'

Michael turned and chuckled, 'Yes, I've just found the good kush.' Jeremy sighed and crossed his arms, smiling lightly. 'It's the dollar store,' he snorted 'how good could it be?'

Michael laughed, 'Ohoho, my friend. It'll be good, I promise you. There's nothing better than . . .'

Michael quickly hopped to his feet and grabbed Jeremy's computer, he turned it on making Jeremy screech at how bright it was. Michael protested, 'Bob Marley!' With a grin.

'AcchkAHh, l-lower the fucking brightness you fucking-' Jeremy squeaked, turning away and slapping his hands over his eyes. 'Sorry, kitten~' Michael giggled, turning down the brightness through settings and chuckled as Jeremy turned red and screamed 'I'm not a furry!!'

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