Stupidly in love [Fluff]

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I wanna give y'all something wholesome because I'm bored and in a good mood

I should be sleeping but whatever ;w;

~Michaels pov~

What the fuck is that noise

My eyes shot awake as I hear rustling, my anxiety gets the better of me and
I overthink everything. Believing that this will be the end of me and Jeremy's lives, you see, we're having a sleepover and well-

Fuck there's the noise again

I cautiously sit up, grabbing my glasses so I can see if the buggy-man is actually here, I see nothing though. To my relief. But the rustling continues, worsening my anxiety. Is it a ghost? Is it a-

I hear it again and at the corner of my eye I see Jeremy tossing and turning. My anxiety gets worse as I worry for Jeremy, is he having a nightmare?

I quickly shake my boyfriend awake, whispering his name. After awhile if him whimpering his eyes shot awake and he looks at me. I sigh with relief, but then I realise that Jeremy's blind as fuck like me and can only see me as a blurry ass figure. I lean forward and get his glasses, as I do this he sits up and clutches his black singlet and takes a breath he didn't know he was holding.

'Jeremy, cupcake, are you okay?' I ask as I slip on the glasses.

Jeremy looks at me, and gulps. 'Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine.' He thinks, and then slumps his face into his pillow. 'Don't worry, it's not the nightmares about the... Y'know...' he up at me with trembling lips. Just the thought makes him worse. 'Thank god,' I sigh. Jeremy's been having nightmares of the squipcident so badly, it's really affected him in more ways than one, which is why I've been sleeping with him to make Jeremy feel better. I think for a moment then look at Jeremy, 'wait what were you thinking about them?'

Jeremy looks at me and then looks down, 'N-Nothing it's stupid.' I look down at him and grab his hands, intertwining his with mine and squeezing them. 'Jere-bear, please tell me I'm worried.'

Jeremy stays silent, looking down and squeezing my hand.

After awhile I ask, 'Were you thinking about your mum?'

Jeremy sighs, and tosses onto his back. Looking at the ceiling. 'No, I was thinking about how cats are scared of cucumbers.'

I process this, and even after I over-analyse what he's said I still don't understand what kind of fuckery this is.

Jeremy starts ranting, moving his hands as he speaks. 'Like, there's no good reason for them to be scared! Cucumbers are smaller then them and don't even move!' Jeremy throws a hand in his hair, clinging at it in distress. 'When cats see a dog, a person, another cat- anything else, they're fine. But seriously, a cucumber?' He looks at me in distress, 'I just don't get it!'

Man that's- wow.

I never realised Jeremy could be this passionate over something like this, that's- wow.

I think I fell in love with this dumbass even more!

Jeremy takes in my face of utter love and asks, 'W-What?' I lean down and kiss his face. 'God, I love you so much.' I get a giggle from Jeremy and start prepping his face with kisses. He giggles again and I'm honestly dead.

Wow I think my anxiety just flew over my head because of Jeremy, jeez thanks cupcake.

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