Damn it! [Smut]

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Yo yo

What time is it?!
Actually it's three am in the bloody morning

So like, what the fuck am I doing with my life

Oh by the way, they're already dating uwu

Apocalypse Of The Damned!

Level nine!

Overall, the hardest hell hole of a level you could get your hands on. The only people who can get through the shit is faces of strangers on YouTube, because they were like, gods at video games.

Michael always told Jeremy that they would get there, that they needed to practice more before they could hold the so desired rank of 'God!'

Jeremy did appreciate his boyfriends words, though whenever his insecurities would take over his senses he'd tell himself that Michael was already ranked a 'God' in his eyes, and Jeremy was nothing but a loser at this game.

After all, Michael is Player one. The leading man. Jeremy's Player two, the 'side-kick!'

Michaels never called him a side-kick, but that's not far from Player two.

Oh, right!

At the moment Player one, and Player two were going ham and ham at the same. Trying their bests to get to level ten, pushing bad guys aside and moving forward to the best of their ability.

Jeremy was struggling though, crying out in frustration every chance he gots. He's kneeled down in front of the tv and Michaels legs, screaming as his fingers tap eagerly against the buttons. To his frustration, he fails wonderfully by a friendly encounter with a zombie.

'NonononononO! NO!' He squeaks, frantically tapping every button he can reach to do something to make it so the 'GAMEOVER' screen doesn't come on. Unfortunately for him, it does. Resulting in the two failing the level.

Jeremy exhales a loud groan, Michael chuckles to himself. A little upset, sure. But his frustration dies when he hears his boyfriend exhale his struggles.

Michaels chuckles come to a stop once Jeremy's back falls between his legs, he yells 'Damn it!'

Michael was astonished, opening his mouth and turning pure red. His grip on the controller tightened, as he gulped. Sure, they were dating, but Michael can still get caught-off-guard by Jeremy doing cute things around him.

He almost forgets they're dating! It feels like he was still crushing and pinning after the boy, and when he was in that state. Anything Jeremy could do could make him die on the inside and become helpless.

It was even more hard for Michael, seeing as his boyfriend was wearing his oversized CREEPS shirt. Now that was overwhelmingly cute, like, oh my god.

How Michael feels atm

How Michael feels atm

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