So?? [Yes this is actually a chapter, not a rant]

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Okay this isn't doesn't fit any categories (they being Angst, smut, fluff, short, or dkdkdkdkdm) so???

Sksksksk I dunno I'll leave it as it is and let you decide what it is

I think I'm high??? Damn, why am I trusting myself to write this

Jeremy woke up to his dad calling him. Boy was his head aching! What year was it?

"I'm up!" Unfortunately.
He yawned as he sat up, wondering the time. "Jeremy you slept in! It's Monday, you have school!"
He leaped out of the bed so fast he could probably win a medal at the Olympics, or at least be faster than Jake Dillinger.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" He called out as he rushed downstairs to grab a drink, "Well I- oh!" Jeremys dad, Mr. Heere, was going to admit that he didn't want to wake up Jeremy because he figured Jeremy wouldn't appreciate it. But something caught his eye.

Jeremy turned to his dad as he closed the cupboard and grabbed a cup, "what's the matter?"
Jeremy filled up his water and started gulping it down.
"Oh! N-nothing," his dad stammered "it's just that I uh, see you um, uh, probably had a big day yesterday."
Jeremy looked over his shoulder to eye his dad in confusion, "No? Just another Sunday with Michael."

Just another Sunday with Michael meant he and Michael got high.

Mr. Heere scratched his neck and avoided eye contact, which was weird considering Jeremy usually did that around the other. "Oh uh, I reckoned you and Michael had a great time then cause woah."
Jeremy looked at his dad in confusion, mr. Heere looked at his son and realised Jeremy had no clue what he was talking about and/or referring too, so he just pointed to Jeremy's neck and said, "You should look at yourself in the mirror, son..."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and walked his way to his bathroom, his dad was acting weird, is all.

Jeremy almost dropped the cup of water as he looked into the mirror.
Holy shit!

There were three dark hickeys on Jeremy's neck and one bite mark on his collarbone.
Jeremy had many questions running in his mind and he almost passed out. What the fuck?! What happened?! They just got high! Right?!! That was...all? Guess not???

Jeremy wondered if this was just it or if things escalated, so he closed the door and stripped himself, sighing with relief as he saw nothing else. His ass didn't feel weird, so that was a sign that he didn't get dicked down by his best friend, but did this mean?
He put his clothes on and ran upstairs frantically, ignoring his dad asking if everything was okay.
He immediately called Michael, who answered quickly.

"Hey dude?" Michael's voice sounded confused but still had that happy sound to it, "I'm kinda in a rush to get to the bus but what's up? Is everything okay?"
How was Jeremy going to say this...?
"Um hi uh okay so um remember how we got stoned yesterday at mine?"
Michael made a small hum and a cuss as he dropped something he was holding, "Yeah?"
"Well um okay this is gonna sound whack but um, fuckuhhh" Jeremy bit his lip, "do you like,,, feel weird?"
Jeremy pictured Michaels face in confusion as he replied, "Huh??"

Jeremy rubbed his temples, 'Fuck okay um," he thought about what to say, and decided to tell him straight forward, "okay um mike I think we fucked yesterday but I can't be sure..."
There was an awkward pause, Jeremy bit his lip.
Michael eventually spoke up, "Um? What makes you think that?" Jeremy bit his lip, "Well um... you sorta gave me like... a bunch of hickeys..."
Michaels breath hitched, he hissed "Yeah okay um that's... wow." Michael paused, "but that doesn't mean we fucked, I mean, we could've just make out or something."
Jeremy sighed to himself, "Trueeee I guess, I mean, I don't feel weird. Do you?"
Michael and Jeremy sighed. In relief? In disappointment? Neither could be sure.

"But um, d-do you have any um...." Jeremy was failing to ask his question, but luckily Michael picked up what he was putting down and said "Nope." Popping the 'p'.

Both their parents called out to them about school.
They both panicked.
"Fuck! I can't go to school like this!" Jeremy squeaked, Michael bit his lip, "You're right, practically any mark on you can be seen from space... okay we'll have to make a plan to cover them up... uh."
"I have no turtlenecks! Not even a scarf! And I am no way in hell going out to get those like t-this!" Jeremy wailed, he flopped on the bed, his dad started knocking on the door, and Jeremy called out "In a minute, dad!"

Michael got an idea.
"I know! I'll pick you up and give you my hoodie! You can cover it with that!" Michael suggested. Jeremy clicked his tongue as he thought about that option, but well, it was an easy yes since he'd be getting to school without walking and getting to wear Michaels hoodie. "Sure, be here in as soon as possible!"

~time skip brought to you by Jeremy flipping of the squip~

Michael beeped his horn as he had the hoodie in the drivers seat, he was in a simple gray sweater with Bob Marley on it saying 'POSITIVE VIBRATION'
He watched as Jeremy raced to his car and hopped in with his school bag thrown on the floor in front of his seat, he closed the door and grabbed the hoodie.

"Holy shit!" Michael didn't start the car, but if he did he probably crash because he just saw Jeremy's neck and Jesus Christ!
Jeremy looked at Michael wildly and the two were red in embarrassment as Michaels eyes were glued onto the sight of the hickeys and love bite.
"Fucking Christ," Michael said breathlessly, "I did that?" Jeremy shrugged and nodded at the same time, "I guess?" They shared did contact because awkwardly looking away as Michael drove them to school and Jeremy put on the hoodie, looking through the top-set mirror to make sure he had his neck completely covered up.

~time skip again because yes. Man, I'm tired and! Woah! It's almost 1 am!~

Jeremy panicked all day, but mostly everything was fine! No one noticed nor cared that Jeremy had Michaels hoodie practically covering his whole upper body. Oh by the way, did you realise that I, the writer made sure to uh whatsitcalled? No it's not bold, that's the big-bold-letter-effect... uhhh the other ones called underline, eh I'll just make it underline, I don't know the name of when you make the words titled or whatever; made sure to underline the word 'mostly' because sOMETHING HAPPENED TO JEREMY!

At the end of the day, Jeremy was on his way to the driveway to meet up with Michael, but on his way he felt someone grab the top of the hoodie and pull it, essentially uncovering his face and pulling him back so he fell to the floor.

"Ew! Don't go falling for me, faggot!" Rich cackled as Jeremy fell on his ass, "Your little boyfriend wouldn't like that after all, I see he let you wear his hoodie." Jeremy stood up, dusting his shoulders. He rolled his eyes and looked at rich, and then remembered. fUcK! The hickies!
Jeremy threw the hood over his head but it was too late! Rich was already cackling, almost falling to the ground, as Jeremy face heated in embarrassment.
"Damn, I see he gave you way more than his hoodie! Jeremy and Michael sittin' in a tree. F u c k i n g! First comes love then comes-" "A fucking restraining order on you." Jeremy snapped, and then immediately wondered what force gave him the confidence to say that to Richard fucking Goranski, maybe Michaels hoodie is magical!

Rich just smirked at Jeremy, who shook his head and stormed off in embarrassment.
"I hate this school." Jeremy scrawled.


Rich and his squip; collectively: yes they finally 🅱️e fuckin

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