Holiday about you [Fluff]

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Sorry things have been late, life been all over the place. And I'm thinking of going on hiatus soon to give myself a break.
To be honest, I really need a break.

Michael was stressing.
He was trying to plan a date between him and his boyfriend Jeremy, since the two had never really been on an actual date. The only thing they considered dates would be whenever one of them came over, but those weren't actual dates! Just hanging out and cuddling!
Michael just wanted to make his boyfriend Jeremy happy.
But the question was, how would he do this?!

It was stressful because Michael didn't know if Jeremy wanted something fancy, or something easy like a date at seven eleven or at pinkberry.
God what should Michael do?!

He ended up calling Christine.

"Hey Michael!" Chirped up the lovely girl, Jeremy's ex. Jeremy and Christine only dated for three weeks before breaking it off, and Jeremy and Michael only got together two weeks later. Jeremy and Michael had only dated for three weeks now, and it was more stressful as the weeks went by without any dates.
"Hello please help me." Michael said frantically, his voice worn out.
"Why? What's wrong?!" Christines voice cracked with worry.
Michael flopped into his pillow, groaning and rubbing his temples. "I need help with Jeremy."
Christine didn't answer for a moment, but laughed. "Why would you need my help? You know everything about him!" Michael tanked at his hair in distress.
"Not everything! I don't know what I should do for a date!" He wailed.

Christine laughed again.
And Michael wailed, "Stop laughing! Help me, please!"

Christine tried to stop laughing, but she kept cackling as she talked.
"I'm sorry it's just, tehehe! Sorry! It's just, you really don't know what to do for a date with Jeremy?"
Michael groaned, "Chris, just hurry up and tell me what the heck I gotta do." Christine giggled.

"Well, sadly, I can't help. Jeremy and I only went on one date and that decided our fate, we realised we couldn't work this relationship together. And that we both were falling in love with someone else," she hummed. "it was so nice to just talk it out. He ended talking up a storm about you, and I did with Brooke!" Michael thought about it.
"How is your relationship with Brooke anyway?" Michael asked, allowing himself to get rid of his anxiety quickly by focusing on his friends love life.

Christine blushed over the phone, "Oh Brooke and I have been hanging recently, she's super nice. And super pretty when she applies her chapstick on. I just want to pull her into a small kiss and hope for the best."
I smile, "I'm glad you're happy with Brooke, Chris."
Christine smiled, "Thanks, we're going to pinkberry soon. Alone..."
Christine started to squeal in excitement.

"Well jeez, aren't you helpless." Michael smirked, Christine got into a giggle fit. "Shut up, you! You're having a gay panic attack!" Christine pointed out.
"Oh, right!" Michael went back to stressing.

"What do I do, Chris?!" Michael sat up and clutched his hair as a way to relieve stress.
"Hey hey hey, relax. Mike." Christine suggested, and Michael did just that. Focusing on his breathing and relaxing, he inhaled sharply and exhaled heavily.
"Well... what should I do?" Michael asked, Christine paused and then suggested. "Why not for a simple start, just a date at seven eleven?"
Michael thought about it, and took a heavy breath. "Well, it could be something... thanks Chris."
"No problem, I got to go. Gotta take care of Heather, remember? My bird?"
"Right; cya Chris! And thanks a lot!" Christine hangs up.


Michael calls Jeremy, and Jeremy picks up. "Hey, Michael!" Jeremy says excitedly on the other line, being a smile to Michaels face that touches his ears.
"Hey buttercup, how's my lovely boyfriend doing?" Jeremy giggles on the other line, blushing. "M-Michael quit it, you know I hate these new nicknames."
Michael coos, "But I wuv making you flustered jere-bear."
Jeremy giggles again, lighting up Michaels heart and removing all forms of nervousness or anxiety that settled on his shoulders beforehand.

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