Selfies [Trans Jeremy, part two]

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More angst

Look, I apologise for treating you like human garbage but-

Well hey, it'll have fluff so that's a thing

~Michaels pov~
=Age : eleven=

At lunch I seek out my best friend Jade Heere, because I need to tell her the best news in the universe! Even though we're both in Year 5, we are in the unfortunate situation of being in different classes. So the only times we get to talk are before school, recess and lunch, and after school. We both hate the system and think it's super rigged, because it is!

When I see the mane of brunette hair I yell out, 'Jade, Jade!'

Jade looks like Hermione from Harry Potter, but she has big glasses to make you tell the difference! Her glasses are bigger than Harry Potter, which is super neat. She also has freckles like Ron, oh well, book Ron anyway. She's like a mixture of the trio, which is extraordinary to me!

Jade turns around to me and a smile beams on her face, she waves as I come closer to her, her other hand wrapped around her bright blue backpack. And she straightens up from her previous slouch like a cartoon character switching emotions. 'Hi!!' She says, beaming.

'Have I got news for you!' I say, rushing past her and sitting on a wooden table in the cafeteria, she plots herself in front of me and rests her head on her hand, interest swimming in her brown eyes.

'What is it, what is it?' She asks repeatedly.

I smirk as I bring out a phone in a black case, she gasps in surprise as I say 'I got a phone!' She whines, 'No fair!' She pouts, 'You got one before me.'

I chuckle as I turn the phone around and look at it for the millionth time, I got it yesterday as a surprise birthday gift. I've been thinking about getting a Star Wars episode 1 case for it, since my birthday is one the Fourth of May. Jade stares intently at my black case and states, 'You haven't picked out a case? I already know what case I'm going to have whenever I get my phone.' She adjusts her glasses, 'Something with Pac-Man on it!' I look to her and chuckle, 'Whenever that happens!'

Jade pouts and crosses her arms, murmuring under her breath.

A dark skinned girl walks past us and notices my phone, 'Oh hey, you got a phone?' She asks, that's Jenna Roland. A girl in my class. I look to her with a nod and she points to it, 'Have you taken a photo yet? What about a selfie?'

'A s-selfie?' Jade asks, looking complexed to Jenna. She stammers.

'How can you not know about a selfie?' Jenna protests, 'Brooke talks about it all the time, Brooke as in Brooke Lohst.' Jenna says, Jade darts her eyes away, embarrassed by Jenna's somewhat harsh response. Jenna shakes her head and looks to me, her fingers curling against her magenta and purple backpack. 'A selfie is a photo taken between two friends, just- like this!' She brings out her phone and shows us a photo of her and a blonde girl, who is Brooke lohst.

'Oh, I get the idea now.' I say, smiling. Jenna retracts her phone back onto her pocket and walks away without even saying goodbye. An action that's never polite.

I look to Jade, 'We should take a selfie!' I smile, 'It'll be the first photo I take! And the first photo is always the best!' Jade looks to me, nervously rubbing her arm and looking down. 'A-Are you sure? I mean...'

I beam, 'Of course!' I usher her closer, 'Come on!'

Jade smiles slightly and we stand up, she walks toward me as I open my camera app. Once she's close enough I wrap an arm around her and bring her closer, we beam as I take the photo and giggle with excitement.

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