Saviour [angst]

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So I've seen these sort of fics around, and I've seen the good, and the bad. I've wanted to write something like this, but with my own twist.

Sorry for not writing for a while, as usually my mental health is all over the place and with my new boyfriend, its difficult to write without thinking of Michael (das my man uvu) so, yeah (oh god I'm getting Vietnam flashbacks to the Heat oneshot sdjsaksd)

Warning: human captivity, discussions of abuse, y'all some fics out there are wild; but like, so is this lmao

~michaels pov~

I stare blankly ahead as I await my master to get me, sitting in the cramped room I "should be grateful for," because "some people don't even get homes!" This butthole is the only person I know, I don't know how I got here, I just know I'm here to serve a purpose. To serve my master.

I hear him coming and hug myself, he opens the door and I don't look at him for 3 seconds. He yanks me up to my feet and almost chokes me to death for that 3 seconds of "disrespectful behaviour." I frantically apologise, he scuffs and lets me go. He puts the leach around me and leads me through his big house, "You're getting a new master today, he's already here to come get you." for the first time I see him attempt to crack a joke, "His sername is Heere, can you believe that? He's a small fellow, but he makes big money. You'll be a great pet for him." I don't respond, he leads me down the staircase and I see smaller male.

"Is that him-" I get backhanded, hard. The slap is so loud the guy jolts.

"Silence." My master hisses, I whimper, nodding.

We finally get down the stairs, I blank out their conversations as they shake hands. I only catch my new master saying, "Pleasure doing business with you." before leading me outside. He watches my ex-master carefully as he closes the door, in the moment I examine him. He's shorter than me, which is new, he looks... like a total opposite of my previous master, though I shouldn't make assumptions.

He turns to me, unsure what to say. We stay silent for a moment. I try to remember his name from the conversation, I think it's Jeremy.

The first thing he does is cautiously, and slowly lift his hand up to my neck. I panic and shut my eyes, knowing he's going to choke-


I hear a click and see that he just unattached the collar and leach from me. He finally speaks, "I'm sorry if I scared you." he examines the leach, and takes a shaky breath. And then quickly says, "I have clothes in the backseat. Also, he uh" he gestures to the house, "he mentioned that you had some bad eyesight, I have a pair of glasses for you in the car so if you'd like you can go in and get them now while you wait for me." and then he hurriedly walks to his car. I look at the clothes I'm wearing, its a servant/maid outfit. I quickly walk to the car and open it, seeing the promised glasses on the seat, I put them on and see that everything's not blurry anymore.

He ushers into his car and quickly drives out of sight from the previous house, he gives me the bag after unzipping it and tells me to "pick an outfit I like." I quietly pick things appealing to me, scared of what he might do if I don't; and hesitantly choose a red hoodie I like and some normal jeans, I look to see what Jeremys wearing, hes wearing a white tee and a blue flannel that wasn't buttoned up all the way, and jeans. He also has glasses. He stops at a public restroom, and then walks out of the car, walking over to my side, he looks like hes about to cry and I don't understand why, he goes, "You can c-change in here." he splutters, and then walks away, I put up the window and change, and once I'm done, I look out the window.

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