Is this funny to you? [Angst]

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You ever just dream about a prompt and then feel like you need to write it cause you know you're going to forget about it because you don't trust yourself with anything anymore, but then you realise that you need to sleep because your sleep schedule is more fucked up than you are, so you sleep and pray that you'll remember the prompt?

That happened to me last night :)

I'm surprised I remember the prompt hAH

Suicide warning

Jeremy ran up to Michael in the hallway. "Michael, oh god, it's so good to finally see you babe, please let me explain- I didn't-" Jeremy said hurriedly, Michael turned to the shorter boy and glared at him. Jeremy shut up to take it all in. Michael had lines under his eyes and bad bags from crying, Jeremys grip on Michaels shoulder tightened. "I don't want to talk to you, Jeremy."
"No, Mike, please, it was a huge misunderstanding-"
Michael pushed Jeremy's hand off him, "Don't 'Mike' me. It's over. You have fucked me over twice now. First with the computer. Now with this."

"Please, Michael, you don't know the whole story. Please, hear me out." Jeremy hurriedly, Michael murmured. "I have class." And started walking off, Jeremy cried out, "Please, Michael! I didn't cheat on you!!"


Two days ago...
Jenna's point of view.

I didn't really have much to do today. I was super duper bored and well, I feel like my friends don't appreciate me as much. Like, I'm not entertaining anymore. I need some drama. I need them to get talking again.
I pull my phone out and look around for something; anything, any kind of drama I can find. It's Wednesday and like, I'm on my way to class, and it's that time when you're kinda late for class but so are other kids so you're fine.

I hear something that catches my attention and listen in from the corner.

"You know... I was feeling a little off today. Being new and all." A girl says in a meek voice, and to anybody who isn't me, sounds shy. I know there's an undertone to that, and I'm interested to hear the "but".

I hear nervous laughter, "Y-Yeah, first days are really um. Hard?"
The girl laughs, "Hard?"
Silence. Like the guy is thinking of something to say. "Are very... rough?"
The girl sinisterly chuckles. "Kinky."

I peek and see it's Jeremy whose bright red. I knew from the hopeless energy it was him. He awkwardly finger guns.

"Aha, Dear Evan H-Hansen. My friend Christine loves that! You'd be great friends-"
The girl—whose blonde but isn't Brooke—tilts her head in confusion. "Dear Evan Hansen? No I was talking about rough sex."

Jeremy looks at her in surprise and she just giggles, twirling her hair. Oh. She likes Jeremy. Michael will rage. "Oh... well, ignore what I said then."

The girl giggles and puts her hand on Jeremy's chest, "Hehe, you're cute. Y'know, you definitely made my day a bit better. Though. I'd like you to make it a lot better." By the fact that Jeremy looks uncomfortable I'm guessing she winked.

I groan, I know Jeremy wouldn't let her advantages get to him. He's dating Michael! But... you know, it would be interesting. Very interesting. If I told Michael he did...

I know Jeremy's my friend. But this'll get some attention. I feel an evil smirk grow on my face.


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