Kissing [Fluff]

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This one's a little short, I apologise
Michael and Jeremy, for once, weren't playing Videos games and instead watching the trailers for the new Apocalypse Of The Damned movie on Michaels bed, a movie Jeremy and Michael had wanted for such a long time.

Michael was really into the trailer, rewinding the footage over and over again so he could see if he spotted any Easter eggs, references or anything! He was really enlightened, and was ready to start creating conspiracy theories as soon as possible.

Michaels player two, Jeremy, on the other hand was tired and wanted to sleep in the warm embrace of Michaels bed. It was weird to Jeremy, how he loved Michaels bed more than his own. He had to admit, he was thrilled at the news of the movies release, he really was! It was just, he needed a sleep once in a while, y'know?

Jeremy was practically already drowning in the embrace of Michaels bed, sometimes Jeremy drowned in Michaels embrace instead but only at times when both of them were weak fucks in need of sleeping for once.

'Oh my god, oh my god!' Michael squealed, frantically tapping at the pause and reverse buttons on his computer, Jeremy jolted up in panic 'Wha-' he groaned, feeling lightheaded 'What's wrong?' He yawned.

'Look at this' Michael pointed to the screen, with Jeremy to tired to figure out what he was actually referring to 'Jeremy, I can't believe it, it's a reference to . .' Michael started rambling on. The passion that danced in his voice was strong, and you could really tell that the boy was passionate a lot.

This boy really had some mad, gigantic feelings, rad and frantic feelings about the game and it's company, hell Jeremy bet Michael could make a poem about the game if given the chance too.

Jeremy smiled tiredly at Michael, and struggled to keep his eyes opened.

Eventually though, he gave into his much needed slumber. While Michael was at mid-rant, Jeremy flopped into the embrace of the sheets and almost immediately fell asleep. Michael quieted down, and watched Jeremy for a few silent moments.

Did Jeremy stay up late again? Gosh, Jeremy. Why do you do this to yourself?

Michael smiled softly at the boy, and decided to close his laptop. He placed the laptop carefully on the bedside table, before flopping next to the boys side, and beginning to study the sleeping beauty in front of him.

Jeremy's mouth was opened slightly, allowing Michael to hear some of his sweet inhales and exhales. Some of Jeremy's curls blocked Jeremy's eyes, blocking Michael from counting the boys galaxy of freckles. Michael smiled, and yawned. As he stretched his arms, and pulled them around Jeremy and pressed the smaller boy into his embrace. Jeremy grumbled, tiredly lifting his head and nuzzling Michaels neck. He exhaled, smiled, and let out a 'Sorry Michael.' and a sweet yawn. Michael smiled, as he pressed his face into Jeremy's dark brown locks 'Why?'

Jeremy chuckled, slightly kneading at Michaels hoodie 'I feel asleep during your rant.' He twirled his finger, and Michael yawned 'It's okay.'

Jeremy groaned, as he stretched his arms. He sat up and stared at Michael with half closed eyes, 'Michael?' Jeremy asked, Michael hummed his response and closed his eyes.
Jeremy hesitated, before cupping Michaels cheek. Michael fluttered his eyes open, and stared at the nervous blue ones in front of him. Jeremy blushed 'I'm going to do a thing.' He leaned forward a little, Michael blinked and flushed when he noticed Jeremy's freckles be replaced by blush. 'Punch me if you don't want me to do it.'

Michael blushed as he realised that wanted to kiss him, oh gosh yes please go ahead gorgeous. Michael has wanted to kiss Jeremy for, god knows how long, Michael wanted to do a lot of things with Jeremy. A lot, of things.

He beamed at Jeremy softly, and pulling the boy closer 'I don't think I will.' And with that, Jeremy smiled and softly connected their lips.

Gosh, that was so tender. So sweet, so soft and god. Perfect, amazing. Michael was speechless, and he praised Jeremy by kissing back.

They both had the time of the lives, kissing, cuddling and then sleeping.

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