Its a blast to the past people [jeremy cant think of ideas for chapter names]

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Kindergarten boyfs
Well they're not dating dkdkfkdm they're like 4 lmfao

But yeah, I had this idea that "what if Jeremy was a goody-two shoes and Michael was a hectic child in kindergarten" and brought it to Twitter
And bmc responded to it lmao

But yeah, I had this idea that "what if Jeremy was a goody-two shoes and Michael was a hectic child in kindergarten" and brought it to Twitter And bmc responded to it lmao

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Yes, that Holyheckerson person is me, and thus
Here we are, the fanfic where Jeremy was a goody two shoes and Michael was a hectic child

I drew this and accidentally gave Jeremy a "may I speak to your manager" look oop

I couldn't help myself

I couldn't help myself

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Funnily enough, Jeremy and Michael weren't exactly pals when they first met, if anything, they were far from that!
Michael Mell was a very hectic child in the good old days, he was the classes clown and the only one who would try to stop him were two people. The teacher he had, and a boy he never liked, Jeremy Granger (he calls him that because Jeremy makes him think of if Hermione and Draco had a demon spawn of a child, also he didn't know Jeremy's last name...). A boy who was a complete goody two shoes despite never actually being the teachers favourite.
And a boy who kinda freaked Michael out with his teleporting ability because he never showed up until Michael did something wrong.

What was worse was that this kid knew his name, which couldn't be helped since everyone knew his name, but that was probably because of the havoc he caused and having his name called out everyday for attendance. Kindergarten was selling him out.

Let's get onto the first day Michael saw this kid.


He had already stayed at the kindergarten for three weeks and was already the king of the castle, so it was weird to see a new subject arrive with out any mums like the other kids had.
He would ask, but, Michael doesn't care. Though, he watched the boy and his dad carefully.
Sure Michael had no dad, but he had a good idea that they were one of the big guys that just go around helping the mummies. This dad looked like he needed help from a mummy, wonder where she was?

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