Mum [Angst]

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~Jeremy's pov~

Twenty twelve, November seventh
Mum threw out her wedding ring...

'Cheater!' I complained to Michael, earning a cocky chuckle in response. It was a normal afternoon, just me and Michael playing video games after the horrific day of Middle Boroughs zombie apocalypse. As Player two, I am less skilled and more useless at playing games. Forever unsure why Michael bothers to have someone like me be his sidekick when he could have anyone better.

Insecurities get the better of me at times like this, making me lose at whatever game we're playing. And having Michael feel kinda cocky, and rub it in my face. Telling me I'm terrible, and little does he know that I don't take that as a joke.

'Jeez, Jeremy, can't you focus?' Michael says in a playful tone, a tone anyone but me would understand as him not meaning that. He looks at me with a smug look and a shit-eating grin, 'Do better next time, 'kay?' Freakin' bastard, but I love him. As my only friend, of ten years.

'Can you not complain next time? Maybe not be a cheater.' I snap back at him, quickly becoming distressed at my tone and getting ready to spill out a stuttery apology. But Michael thinks this is a game, nudging me with his shoulder. 'Maybe you shouldn't complain next time.' He smirks.

He's smart with his responses, a trait I can never have because I'm too nervous to be anything less but am I consequential mess.

I glare at him with emotion, something he notices and points out. 'Aw, you gonna go cry to mummy?'

I sit up, crossing my arms. 'Infact, I will!' I say playfully, for once. Confident, I run out of the room with Michaels laughter fading as I ran down the stairs. I look around, searching for the tall figure that is my mum.

I go to call out her name but I hear sobbing in the living room, I peek in curiously and see my dad. He's weeping, sobbing his face in his hands. In front of him is a wedding ring, my mothers wedding ring.

I fear the worst.

'D-Dad?' I squeak out, causing my dad to flinch and whip his face away from his hands and looking at me with puffy eyes that have been crying for, what I can assume to be, for hours. Were they fighting again? Can never be sure. Mums wedding ring being here doesn't explain anything.

'Erm, Jeremy. Hi.' My dad say, shaking and coughing as the rasp in his broken voice gets the better of him. I look to him, fiddling my thumbs. 'Dad... uh, where... w-where's mum...?'

Dad stays silent for a good while, and I can't help but overthink. Did mum leave? Was she so fed up with... something, that she just had to leave? Was she... was she fed up with me?

Dad opens his mouth, and I pray that he assured me that my worries aren't true, and that mum didn't leave.

'Jeremy.. slugger, listen.' He stands up, I gulp. This can't be good.

He walks over to me and settles his hand on my shoulder, 'I'm going to be completely honest with you buddy, I don't know where she is now... she kinda...' he bites his lips, blinking away his tears. 'She kinda left...' tears burn my eyes as his words run through my mind.

She left. She is actually gone. She's gone forever. She's never coming back. She left us. She left me. Why?


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