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I felt myself going through some kind of weird boom tube. As I was being pulled through it, I noticed that a girl was passing by me. Her hair was a darker brown than mine, and her eyes looked similar to my own 'Oh my god she's me!' Her back was facing the direction she was headed to, which ironically was the direction I came from. As we were passing by one another, I couldn't help but stare. 'We look the same. The only difference is that her hair is darker.'

I was in such a daze of curiosity and shock that I almost missed her outstretched hand, neither of us said anything as I stretched my hand towards her. Once I successfully grabbed her hand, I felt her slip something into mine. She let go almost immediately resulting in her getting further and further away before, eventually, disappearing from my line of sight.

WAIT!! HOLD UP!! This is WAY, WAY to forward into the story! Let us start on the night everything turned upside down, shall we?


Ring Ring! (oh, look! The most cliche thing to write! 😆)



"Maria? Look, I know that there's a time difference and all, but it's 3 in the morning over here!"

"Eu sei que horas são...( I know what time it is...)"

"Than why are you calling me at this time?!"

"Porque eu estou aqui...( because I'm here...)"

"Here? Here, where?"

"No aeroporto... saí agora do avião... Felicidade, I'm in America...(At the airport... I just got out of the plane...)" Her English accent wasn't the best, but the little that she knew how to say was understandable.

"I'm sorry did you say 'in America'?!"

"Sim. (Yes.)"

"Aren't you like two weeks early?"

"Vim mais cedo... (I got here earlier...)"


"Podemos falar disso depois? Tipo, cara a cara? (Can we talk about this later? Like face-to-face?)"

I let out a sigh. "Ok, I'm coming to pick you up."

"Não é preciso! Eu posso apanhar um táxi! (That isn't necessary! I'll just get a taxi!)

"Do you speak English?"

I heard her give a shaky breath before answering. "N-no."

"Do you have American money?"

"Não. (No.)

"Do you know where I live?"

I heard her let out another shaky breath before sighing in defeat.  "Não... não sei... (No... no, I don't know...)"

"Yeah, I thought as much. Which airport are you at?"

"Uh... the único (only) that you- gah! O único de que me tinhas falado. (The only one that you told me about.)" I facepalmed. 'Must protect.'

"Ok, on my way."


I ended the call before slowly and forcefully getting out of bed... my sweet, sweet, warm bed.

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now