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Well, Young Justice: Outsiders is done...
I'm actually quite satisfied with the ending... well, kind of.
This was a special occasion for me (don't ask why... I just get WAY too emotional), so I felt like publishing a new chapter today...
And in case anyone is wondering... no, no, there won't be any spoilers for season 3 in this book.
It IS a book that takes place in season 2, after all.


Time skip to a month later, and here we are... still here. My left leg felt far better, but there were still some movements that hurt. Black Canary usually visits a lot. We stay talking for a few hours. She's the only grown-up, other than Dr. Strange that I genuinely trust here.

During this one month process, all of our powers were discovered: Tye had some kind of Astro Form; Virgil had freaking electricity running and circulating throughout his body and could magnetize objects, I think it's called Electromagnetism; Asami had Chi Manipulation; Ed was capable of teleportation, and I could repel stuff, though I was still somewhat reluctant to use my powers.

There was another teen here with us. His name is Nathaniel, his powers were... gone, for the time being. He had been abducted by the Reach, after having run away. They experimented on him, and thanks to that, activated his Meta-Gene. The Reach took control of him and set him loose in Central City so that he could, well, wreak havoc and apparently... destroy the Flash or, something like that.

Over this past month, we had all become somewhat close. And we all got along quite well.

I, of course, spent most of my time with Sam since she's the only other girl here. Yeah, it's hard communicating when you speak two completely different languages, but I've always done that with Maria. So, it'd be fine. Even with the language barrier, Sam and I got along pretty well, developing a mutual understanding during this time. We always knew what the other needed, even if neither of us said anything.

The other person that I get along with the most is Tye. Even if he doesn't say much because of his tough exterior and his badass attitude, he was the first person I had actually talked to since I got here. So, he was the first one that I felt comfortable around. Asami would often give me looks when I'm around him. As if to tease me. And I do the same when she's around him.

I also get along with Nate. He's a sweet guy. He can be sassy at times, and I LoVe It! Every time he acts with sass, I laugh like crazy- even if I'm pissed- every time I lose it, he's the one who comes talk to me. I normally snap at everyone, but I can't do that to him. He's way too sweet, and I'd much rather not hurt his feelings when he's just trying to help.

Virgil was easy to start a friendship with and to confide in. He's the only person, other than Black Canary, that knows that I'm not a runway. He usually stands up for us even when he doesn't need to. He's a nice guy, and he has a lot of will power. Not totally sure what else to say about him except that he'd make a great leader.

And then there's Ed. We don't really talk much, but we have nothing against each other. He's a good kid. His only flaw is his temper. I mean, I don't have the best temper, but I take longer to blow than him. But, honestly, other than that, I feel like he'd be a cool person to hang with, but things have been somewhat awkward between us for a while... because of an... accident, a few weeks ago. Let's just say that being late, when the person with teleportation powers is training... close to the door... might end in an awkward situation...

Anyway, at the moment, we were training. No, sorry, Virgil was training. Training for the last five hours non stop with freaking wires connected to him. 'If he wanted to, he could probably make the machine short circuit.' It was obvious that the guy was getting pissed. 'The dude's a ticking time bomb! He's gonna blow a fuse! (AN: pun not intended.)' He was trying, for like the 200th time to lift up a trash can with his magnetism/electricity (AN: I almost wrote: with his imagination powers...) powers. But, of course, it wasn't that easy. At least, not as easy as the stupid scientists had hoped it would be

"Not just the lid. The entire can." The scientist who had spoken was none other than Dr David Wilcox. He was, to put it nicely, one of the most annoying people on this planet. I looked at Virgil and saw his face scrunch up in anger and frustration. 'Yup. He officially lost it.'

I watched as Virgil threw the lid against a wall, where it stayed stuck. He ripped the wires off of himself and turned around to face the All-Mighty Scientist who was, of course, safely behind a re-enforced glass window. "Doc, we've been at this for five hours straight! How about a lunch break?!" Wilcox looked at his watch before giving a sigh of defeat.

"Take 20 minutes."

We all walked out of our "training room," and down the hall, as we made our way to the cafeteria area, we started to hear shouting. "You heard me! I'm sick and tired of the testing! We all are!"

'They're at it again... it's like the 3rd time this week...' Almost instantly Tye seemed to voice my thoughts. "They're at it again."

"Mi hijo, we must continue." Our plan wasn't to stay and listen, but we did it anyway. We already knew where this was going.

"Why?! Just to prove your theory?!"

"Sí, Eduardo! I've spent two decades working on my Zeta-Beam technology, and now my son has teleportation powers?! This cannot be a coincidence!" I rolled my eyes. 'Yes, yes, it can actually.' Eds' Father let out a sigh before continuing. "The Meta-Gene the Reach activated inside you must be opportunistic. Taking advantage of whatever is present in the subjects' system."

"Only the subject doesn't care! I want a cure, not an explanation!"

"You have only yourself to blame. This never would have happened if you hadn't run away from your Abuelo's home in Argentina."

"I thought I wanted to be with my father... what a mistake that turned out to be." I cringed. 'That was harsh... but then again I can't really judge since I don't know the full story. Plus, I've never had a dad, so I don't know the feeling...'

Ed walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. When he turned around, he seemed surprised to see us. 'And we've been caught.'

There was a small awkward silence as Ed put his hands in his pockets and tried to get smaller. Though, it didn't last long as it was somewhat broken by Nate. "Oh... hey, Ed. Just passing through. We didn't hear anything, I swear." 'Smooth Nate, real smooth.'

"Doesn't matter. Same old, same old."

Virgil put a hand on Ed's shoulder and immediately changed the subject. "Come on. We only have like 12 minutes for lunch. You know how Doc Wilcox gets when we're late." We all followed Virgil after he was done speaking.

"This is so messed up! Star is as bad as the Reach and worse than home." I heard Tye say behind me. But, of course, before I could answer, Nate did it for me.

"Tye, there's no way this is as bad as the Reach," Nate said as he put his hand on his waist. 'Oh, and here's the definition of sassiness, right here, ladies and gentlemen. ' I smirked slightly and snickered.

"Whatever Neut. I just now I can't take much more of this place."

I looked back for a small second before looking forward again and said. "None of us can." We all came to a stop as the hallway split into two separate ways.

Virgil placed his hand on mine and Tye's shoulders. "You won't have to. Cause we're busting out tonight." I looked at Virgil and smirked. 'I knew I liked this guy.' The conversation ended there, and we made our way to the cafeteria. We ate and hurriedly went back to the hellhole we call a training room or testing laboratory, whichever sounds best... or more realistic.


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