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My feet felt heavy as I walked into the building and towards the elevator. They barely even left the ground as I took slow and cautious steps. My hands dangled from my sides, lifelessly swinging from side to side in order to follow my body's swaying movements. I held my head down and made no effort to tear my fixated gaze from the floor to the elevator doors once I stood in front of them.

Mariana left just a few minutes before I walked back inside. We stood outside talking for about four literal hours while sitting on the front steps of the building, with her apologizing more times than necessary, saying that I shouldn't have found out the way I did, that she shouldn't have said anything, and that this should have only been revealed when I was older and more mature. In other words, I would have found all this out in seventy-seven years.

All the information she gave me after boomtubing my... father... away, was shocking, to say the least, and I, honestly, wasn't prepared for it:

My body itched to go home as my muscles begged me to go back into the building and away from the cold, shallow, dimly lighted streets. My fingers twitched every now and again, while my foot tapped nervously on the ground as the information hit me like a bullet right in the chest. Every word that left Mariana's mouth would immediately get sucked in by my ears as my brain tried to re-arrange everything she said so that I could make sense of all this... it wasn't working...

I knew what she was saying and it wasn't hard to understand the meaning, especially when it's said straight to your face. Mariana has always been an honest person and she's always been straightforward, but at the moment, I wish she wasn't.

"Chica, are you alright?" As much as I'd like to answer yes, that would be a lie. I wasn't alright. I felt stupid and betrayed, even though, the decision to leave wasn't actually mine, and I was mind played, I still felt misled. "I'm sorry that you had to find out like this... no, I'm sorry that we even allowed him to come..."

Unlike last time, I answered. In a low and hard to understand voice, but I answered. "It's not your fault." Raspiness, that was the only noticeable trait that you could identify in my voice as it laced itself around it, warding off the stuttering and sadness.

Bringing my lifeless hand up, I pressed down on the grey, metallic button that was now losing its shine and called the man-made piece of machinery down to my floor.

As it came down, you could hear the small creaks and screeches that erupted from it. Once it stopped, a  small pling came from within it before opening ever so slowly, giving me a free passageway inside, only for it to close five seconds after I walked in and pressed the button to the seventh floor.

The wait within the machine felt like a century moving at a snail's pace, though, of course, it couldn't compare to what I had found out and how long it took for the truth to be revealed to me:

Before I even had time to register my now free body and mind, Mariana brought out a fatherbox and pointed it towards my father. "Belle Reve Penitentiary." As soon as the words left her mouth the fatherbox shone its orange light and a boomtube appeared beneath my father's feet. "Have fun explaining this to her." And with those words said and done, Mariana casually watched as my father fell through the golden, bright portal.

I stood shocked for a slight moment but quickly snapped out of it, when my throat felt dry and my feet kicked off the ground. "What did you do?!" I screamed in desperation as I ran towards her. Once my feet stopped, I stood in front of her. Mouth slightly a gap as shock and confusion overtook my senses. "Why?! What?! Uh- I- why?..."

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