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Every social media platform was filled with panic. People saying that the world was going to end, others saying that we were being invaded, even though we already had been by the Reach, there were others that said that it was the Reach's fault that a weird alien satellite thing was moving in our direction.

On TV, Cat Grant continued to try to explain, everything that was happening while trying to keep a straight face even though she was obviously just as frightened as us.

Heck! Even G. Gordon Godfrey seemed to have trouble keeping a straight face every time he popped up on TV, talking about the alien satellite. And that's saying a lot when it comes to G. Gordon at least.

Even with all this commotion, people still continued to point out that it was only getting closer and closer, which wasn't something that would cease anyone's panic.

A little while later, it had opened, revealing weapons... a lot of them.

The time that it took for that thing to open, was the time it took for Doctor Fate to appear, followed by the other Heroes.

It quickly became evident that the second moon, satellite thing truly was an alien ship. It was currently shooting missiles at earth after having its failed attempt at shooting what we could only assume was a laser with enough capacity to completely obliterate us.

Cat Grant reappeared on the screen of our TV, advising everyone over and over again to stay indoors, giving us feedback about what was happening, and seemingly... losing hope. It was becoming obvious that her hope was fading, and fading fast.

"Earths military leaders are mobilizing all national air defences against the assault from the rouge satellite."

The tension in the air wasn't letting up if they didn't find a way to stop that ship soon... we could all perish.

"Here in the US, homeland security is urging citizens to remain calm and stay in your homes, rather than attempt evacuation."

Her face fell once more while her attention shifted to the camera.

"There's nowhere for us to go..."

That one hit hard. Humanities hope was depleting faster than I thought possible. The Heroes had to find a way to mobilize that ship, and they had to do it fast.

The Heroes and the Military were being able to stop most of the missiles but not all of them.


"Asami? What's wrong?" She was furiously pointing outside, at the sky. I quickly looked to where she was pointing and froze. "Guys... we have a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"A missile headed straight toward us kind of problem."

"What?!" The boys quickly ran towards the window, and they seemed to pale. "How do we stop that thing?!"

"Doesn't look like we'll have too."

"What do you-"

"Look." We followed Tye's gaze and saw Gravitation atop a building with her hands out in front of her.

Before the missile could cause any damage, she shot her hands above her head. It followed in suite, shooting up into the sky and blowing up midway.

Sighs of relief slowly flooded our apartment as we seemed to slowly melt onto the floor. "Didn't think I'd be this scared."

No one answered as we watched Gravitation float away, taking off into the sky. Probably going to help the others in space.

Everyone slowly made their way back to the TV and just fell onto the couches. This was being too much for us, and that's saying something.

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now