Learning new things

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"They're runaways. Their families are probably looking for them!"

"Yes, but their Meta-Gene has been activated. It would be dangerous to send them back to their families. Especially without having their powers under control."

"Then what do you suggest we do? Keep them away from their families?! And not let them know that they are safe?!"


"You are incredible, absolutely incredible" The sentence dripped with sarcasm and disbelief. "So what do you suggest we do with them? Send them to the moon?"

"No. First, we find out what their powers are."


"Second train their powers."

"Where are they going to be staying?"

"Star Labs."


"If you're wondering. Star offered as well."


"Now that, that's been cleared up, this conversation is over." The screeching of the chair was heard throughout the room as someone got up.

"They're scientists. They're going to try and research their powers."


"How will they train them?"


"They're teenagers... they're not going to like this. They have wild spirits. They won't want to be cooped up in a lab and treated like guinea pigs."

"I'm aware."

"And when are we telling them?"

"In a few days."

A sigh of defeat was heard. "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you. This won't end well."


After our talk with Black Canary, Garfield had tried to spend some more time with me. But, unfortunately, he wasn't able to since we all still had to be checked to make sure we were alright and to see what the experiments might have done to us. Even though I had been already checked because of my... oh, I don't know... leg. You know, logic. Guess they didn't think of checking to see what the aliens did to me. Yeah, smart.

After having been examined- God, I hate that word- we were taken to a small white room that consisted of 2 sofas; two giant plant pots on, one of the corners of the wall; one small plant near a window and a coffee table with some magazines, you know, your typical "waiting area". Anyway, it's been two days since then, and we're still waiting to know what will happen to us.

During this small time period, we found out what Meta-Gene is. Black Canary gave us a short briefing while we were in the waiting room. We found out that the five of us have Meta-Gene that has been activated. So to put it simply, this "Meta-Gene" is something that can give us Meta-Human abilities or in other words turn us into "Superman". Please notice the sarcasm. Anyway, it can provide us with powers or just literally change our DNA completely. Doesn't that sound lovely? To know that, that has been activated inside of you? Yeah, not really. Though, I haven't noticed any changes... except that I can repel stuff now. But who knows I might still grow a third ear. Oh, I sincerely hope not.

But anyway, at the moment I'm sitting next to Asami Koizumi, a Japanese girl with black hair put up into a ponytail and eyes of different colours. Her right eye is green while her left eye is brown. I think it's called heterochromia iridium. It's a condition that makes each eye a different colour. She's about one year younger than me and seems nice... I think. I mean, I can't really understand her since she doesn't really speak English, only Japanese. Though, she does seem to comprehend me, kind of. As much as you can when you don't speak the same language, of course. Though, we do have a good understanding... probably?

We were, once again, in the waiting room, sitting in silence. I was reading one of the magazines that had been resting on the coffee table while the others either looked around or slept, aka, Tye and Ed.

We were waiting for some news as to what will happen to us. I was concentrated on the "lovely" gossip magazine about the weekly scientists or whatever this thing was. I mean I was focused until I felt something poke my side. I looked at Asami and saw her pointing to the door. It took me a few minutes to understand what she meant until I heard it. There was some type commotion going on outside... some kind of argument. It was hard to comprehend what was happening since whatever words were being spoken were very rushed.

The commotion ceased, and the door of the waiting room slowly opened as a man walked in. 'Funny, he kinda looks like an older, more sciency version of Ed.' I was about to dismiss the thought quickly but was cut off by Ed suddenly getting to his feet and speaking. "Father?" 'When the heck did this kid wake up?!' Silence fell between all of us. I mean there already was silence before, but this one was uncomfortable. I turned my head slowly towards Ed only to be met with a perplexed and grim expression. I noticed that his hands had balled into first and where shaking slightly. Maybe out of disbelief? I mean, his father was right in front of us, after all.

"Hello, Eduardo."

I looked between the two as neither of them made any move. 'This can not be a bad sign...'

"Mi Hijo, I-" Ed's Father was interrupted by another man coming in and asking him to go with him to speak with the Leaguers. He was reluctant but went nonetheless, but not before sparing Ed one last glance.

I watched as Ed fell back onto the couch with his head down and a scowl on his face. I wanted to ask if he was alright but thought it might be better just to leave him be for a while. The room fell back into silence... an even more uncomfortable silence. 'Well, this is somewhat unsettling...' A few minutes passed and still, no one said a word.

'We can cut the tension with a knife...' I shook my head and looked back at Ed. 'I hope he's ok.' I slowly put my back against the couch and closed my eyes and fell into a somewhat comfortable and short slumber.

When I reopened my eyes, I took notice that Ed still had his head down and no one was saying a word. I turned my head toward the window and saw that it was already night-time. It was time to go to bed. Since we still didn't know what was going to happen to us. Star allowed us to stay here for the time being. 'He's still with his head down... it's been about three hours already...'


WELL, WASN'T THAT A WEIRD SURPRISE. Oh! Sorry had caps on.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
Have a good day/night and Stay Whelmed!
God freaking damn, I'm cringe.

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