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It has been about a month since I was abducted. Well, actually, since I and some other kids were abducted. We were being experimented on for a little over a week since we got to this place. This ship like thing. And do you know what the best part is? We were being experimented on by aliens... I think. The experiments were painful, to say the least. From what I've gathered, which isn't much, the experiments are to trigger something inside of us? Whatever the hell that means. Unfortunately, though, I've noticed that some kids whose tests don't give the desired results, just disappear... those aliens just take them away, and we don't see them again...

Those alien things have been trying really hard to get the results they want from us, and that frightens me because I don't even know what the experiments are going to do to me or to the others...

The sound of sirens going off awakened me. 'Funny, didn't know aliens had alarms... wait, isn't that the siren thingy that flies off the rails when something has been breached or something along those lines?!' I looked around only to see a ginger-haired girl in front of the pod I was in, right before it opened and I fell out, almost face planting onto the ground in the process, if the girl hadn't caught me.

"Whoa there. You ok?" It took me a second to understand what had been asked and to whom.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good... just feeling a little woozy." She nodded. I noticed not long after that the other abductees, along with some new ones, where being let out of the pods by the same girl who had caught me and also a black-haired boy wearing shades. Why? Is beyond me.

"All of you follow Bumblebee! She'll lead you guys to the rest of the team" The boy said before he and the ginger girl ran out of the lab like place, and some of the alien guards started attacking.

"Go! We'll distract them!"

"Ok guys, let's go." Bumblebee immediately started flying past them as we all followed close behind. We got to the lobby? Not totally sure what to call it. The rest of the heroes were there waiting for us. We watched as a smaller alien ship made contact with the one we were in, and the heroes told us to run into the smaller ship.

I had just made it to the ship as I heard Black Beetle's voice and the sound of closings doors. Then the fight between the heroes, that were still on the other ship, and Black Beetle began.

The fight could be heard as could a lot of banging noise against the walls of the ship. 'I hope they're alright...' I was shaken out of my train of thought, after what seemed like an eternity, by the ship doors opening. A boy with a blue hat fell onto his back before getting up and running towards us.  Nightwing ran out of the smaller ship that we were in before coming back with a passed out Bumblebee in his hands.

The rest of the heroes began bringing their knocked-out teammates to the smaller ship. I took note of the blond-haired, blue masked, floating hero girl that went to attack Black Beetle- just as Blue Beetle had done a few seconds earlier, before being thrown to the side like a rag doll. Blue Beetle not the girl- she lifted her hands up and waved them around, and Black Beetle was slowly lifted off the ground. She had begun waving her hands around slowly before gradually becoming faster. It was actually quite comical. Black Beetle was being shaken roughly like a sad pillow. I think the girl was trying to buy her teammates some extra time.

But, unfortunately, she was knocked into a wall and rendered unconscious. Black Beetle, of course, was about to take advantage of this fact and try to grab her. It was immediate: my legs began to move on their own. Running past a confused Nightwing who started screaming at me to stop, I ran towards Black Beetle and the girl. I quickly looked at the ground and searched for something that could help. Anything. I found what seems like a piece of the alien computer thing, that was now broken. I grabbed it and chucked it towards his head, and that's when the world started to move in slow motion. He turned towards me.

'Oh, shit! Oh, shitty shit, shit!' He started to move towards me with an evil grin on his face. 'Oh, freaking bloody hell!!!! Run, you dumbass, run!' But I couldn't. I was completely frozen in fear. He got closer and closer until finally, he was in front of me. About to grab me. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't run. I couldn't move... and yet, somehow, I felt my hands lift up and stretch out in front of me as a mysterious force wrapped itself around my lower arms and my hands. I seemed to repelled Black Beetle and myself, him against a wall on the other side of the room and myself against the wall next to Shimmer.

'Ouch, my head.' I slowly started to get back onto my feet alongside Shimmer. A green boy had managed to grab the blond girl and take her to their ship, and Blue Beetle was now being held down by Black Beetle. I looked to the side only to be met with the sight of Shimmer's hand dissolving the wall that she was using to support herself while getting up. "Your hand!" I tried warning, but by then it was already too late. Water rushed into the room and slammed into both me and Shimmer, knocking us both back. Shimmer was knocked unconscious while I was just knocked onto the floor as the water came in faster and faster.

I successfully fought against the force of the water that was crashing down on me and got up. I looked around, trying to find something to block the giant hole in the wall of the ship. 'There's nothing to stop the water from coming in...' I saw, after giving up my search, that the heroes had made their retreat. Not long after, I felt something being slammed against me as I was pushed into the ocean.

I looked behind me noticing, almost immediately the knocked out Blue Beetle. 'Crap! I'm losing air! I gotta get out of the water.' I took off swimming in Blue Beetle's direction. I had almost gotten to him but stopped when I felt a stinging sensation on my leg. Out of the sudden surge of pain that ran threw my leg, I had opened my mouth, letting the salty water into my system. 'Losing air.... quickly...' My hands shot up to my throat as if that would help me to close my damned mouth. I began coughing while struggling to keep my eyes open and make my way over to Blue Beetle. I was losing consciousness and fast.

Once again, I felt something slam into me as an arm wrapped around my waist. The same thing happened to Blue Beetle as we were both retrieved into the heroes' ship. Once inside, I began coughing up water as the person who had landed on top of me quickly got off and tried to help me.

"Hey, just breath." The voice sounded female. My vision cleared slightly, and I saw the blond-haired girl from before. "You ok?" I gave a small nod trying to reassure her that I was okay. She seemed reassured, that is until I passed out.


Hope this wasn't too bad, took me a few hours (HA!! This took you DAYS!!) to write it. I hope you enjoyed and Stay Crash.

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