Lex Freaking Luthor

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"Blue! Wait!"


"The hell has gotten into you?! You never act this way!"

"Why did you have to get involved?! Nightwing shouldn't have called you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?! I was coming to do the same thing you were!"

"Yeah, and what a great job you did!"

The female flinched and took a step back. "What the hell happened to you? Desde que Green Beetle reinicio tu escarabajo, has estado actuando diferente. ¿Que está pasando? (Ever since Green Beetle rebooted your scarab, you've been acting differently. What's going on?)" (A/N: I am so sorry if this is incorrect, I took Spanish but I'm not the best).

"No pasa nada. (There's nothing going on.)"

"But, you aren't acting norm-"

"Will you just drop it?!" The female in front of him flinched once more.

"Can we just talk?!"

"You really don't know when to give up, do you?"

"You know the answer." The male in front of her massaged his temples before rolling his eyes, turning his back to her, and walking away. "H-Hey! Where are you going!"

"I have to meet up with someone."

"Who? Green Beetle?!"

"¡Sí! ¡Ahora cállate! (Yes! Now shut up!)" The female stopped walking for a second before flying in front of the male, preventing him from taking another step forward.

"You're not going until you tell me what's going on!" He glanced behind her and smirked

"Alright, you want to know what's going on?" She nodded slowly. "Look behind you." She swirled around but saw nothing.

"Wha-" A thud was heard as the female fell to the ground, unconscious.

"I thought she would never stop talking, bother."

"What do we do with her?"

"We take the meat bag to the Reach, gaining control of her shouldn't be very hard."


"Hey, Virg? You sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course! It's perfect! It's the one place they'd never think to look! I mean... not a second time."

You see, after having run away from Blue Beetle, Virgil here had the idea for us to go back to the bus depot, that we had previously... destroyed. Saying that it would be a good place to hide since no one would think of looking for us there a second time. To which at the time I responded with: "That's stupid"

And yet here we are. I just realized that asking if this was a good idea would... have probably been better asked before coming here... when we could still turn back. Oh, well. What's done is done. Savvy.

We all stopped walking once we got in front of the now almost demolished building. Tye walked over to some rubble and sat down. "I'm done running."

"Yo, también."


"So, now what?" Ed asked as he looked at Virgil. We all stood still for a second.

"No idea." We all answered simultaneously. 'Last phrase I thought I'd ever use.'

I felt Asami shift next to me before pouting forward. "Suimasen!" We all followed her gaze and saw a white car pulling up in front of us. 'Nope... totally not creepy at all.'

"Suimasen... that means trouble. Doesn't it?" Sam looked at Virgil and gave the thumbs up.

"No idea." I snorted. 'Figures that's the first thing she says in English.'

One of the front doors of the car opened and a woman wearing a pen skirt walked out. 'Ah, a businesswoman... great.' My eyes narrowed slightly when she walked around the car and went to open the back seat door. Once she opened it, the person who walked out was the last person you'd expect... 'Lex Luthor. The hell is he doing here?' I had heard of him from my nonna and from TV. I knew that people liked him and trusted him but, my nonna and I always had an uneasy feeling about him. We didn't trust him... he always seemed... fake.

He made his way over to us as the woman closed the car door. 'Wow, that's the nicest thank you I've ever seen. Note: sarcasm.'

"Hey, you're Lex Luthor." I looked at Virgil for a second in annoyance.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

Luthor ignored my comment and began speaking. "Yes, and you are Virgil Hawkins, Asami Koizumi, Eduardo Dorado, Tye Longshadow and..." He looked at me for a second before smiling and continuing. 'Why the hell is this creep smiling?!' "Felicity Fiore... you were a baby the last time I saw you." I stiffened up.

"Excuse me?"

"I was... friends, with your father... before his passing." I froze. 'My... father... was friends with this piece of humanity?!' I couldn't bring myself to speak. My hands balled into fists and I took a step forward. I was about to plumber this guy into the ground until... two hands grabbed my wrists.

I looked down at my right wrist and saw that Tye was holding it. I shifted my attention to my left wrist noticing that it was being held by Ed. Looking at both their faces I saw that both boys wore the same expression: Distrust... towards Luthor.

Tye let go of my wrist and moved to stand protectively in front of me. A hand was placed on my shoulder as another presence moved to send beside me, I cocked my head to the side and saw Sam who nodded towards me as reassurance. I turned my attention back to Tye just as he began to speak. "You know us?" He gestures towards everyone except me.

Luthor let out a laugh and answered. "Know you? My boy, I've been watching over you for weeks." And this guy just gets creepier and creepier. "Even arranged the power outage that facilitated your escape from Star. Not to mention the timely arrival of the press, which enabled you to evade Blue Beetle... who, as you might have guessed, has become an agent of the Reach."

My eyes widen slightly. 'Jaime is... with the Reach? T-That can't be true... he wouldn't...' I stopped for a moment as I recalled the moment he abandoned us. 'His personality is changed... but... he couldn't have done that with his own free will... he just wouldn't...'

"But... you work with the Reach. You make their refresco... their beverage."

"True. But, I've come to suspect they've been using me for their own ends. And I think you know what that feels like." We all looked at each other and took his words in.

He let out a sigh before going back to talking. "It's a dangerous world." I scoffed. "Fortunately, I have the resources to protect you."

"And why are you telling us this? It's obvious that you want something! So spit it!" This guy was seriously getting on my last nerves.

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"To empower you, not Meta-powers. You're doing just fine on that front. Instead, I want to help the five of you finally take control of own destinies." I narrowed my eyes at him and scoffed once more. This guy has to be living a fantasy.

"Our own destinies? Really? That's the best line you could come up with?? That sounds like a load of crap to me."

"I am being very serious." He slowly turned to Sam and me before walking over to us. I moved slightly closer to her. I don't trust him. He looked at Sam and held his hand out to her. "Kimi no chikara ni, naritain da. ( I will be your strength.) (AN: Or something along those lines. What he means is: I want to help. Which, either way, sounds creepy coming from him.)

She looked up at him and shook his hand. "Ah... domo?" That was the most questionable "thank you" I have ever heard. She was obviously surprised.

"No pressure my friends. " I cringed. Friends. That wasn't the word I'd use. I wouldn't even say, acquaintances. "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do. But, I'm hoping, that you can trust me. What do you say." We all looked at each other.

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