Being... teens

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I felt a zapping sensation hitting my skin, jolting me awake. Looking around startled, I noticed other teens, all of which seemed to be either unconscious or about to wake up. We were all placed separately in what I could only assume are pods, probably.

I lost track of my surroundings for a bit when the zapping continued, slightly stronger than what I had previously felt. A yelp followed with a terrified gasp left my lips as I saw the creatures that were in front of my pod. 'What-What are those things?!' They were smiling creepily, which left a bad taste in my mouth and an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The creatures began to talk; at least, I assume that's what that was. Weird sounds were heard every time they opened their mouth. One of the creatures turned away from the other and started messing with an odd type of computer, and my thought process was completely cut off as I lost consciousness.


"Dude there are better ways to wake her up."

"She wasn't responding any other way, man..."

"I'd move out of the way if I were you. Remember what happened last time you did that?" Moving my hands to my face, I felt something soft and fluffy on it. I slowly grabbed the said soft object and moved it away from my face. A pillow.

"Good po-" Before Virgil could finish his sentence, he fell backwards with a pillow on his face.

"Don't wake me up like that again."

"Told you."

A muffled sound was heard from under the pillow. "Can't hear you." The noise got louder, but words still couldn't be made out. "Still nothing." God, teasing him was fun... until, I felt the damned pillow hit my face once more, knocking me back.

"I said, you weren't waking up any other way!" Removing the pillow, once more, I jumped to my feet and threw it at him... but, I missed... he bent down just in time... making the pillow hit... 'Oh shit...' Ed... straight in the face. It slowly started to slide down before falling to the floor. I dropped back onto the sofa as loud laughs passed my lips. 'His- His face... omg, it's priceless!' Pain shot through my sides as my laughter only seemed to increase. I shut my eyes, grabbed my sides and bent down. By the looks of it, this was not going to be subsiding any time soon.

I heard a grunt from beside me. I was able to open my eyes long enough to see Sam with the pillow in her hands. "Dude, you missed." The whole thing only made my laughing fit bigger.

A dark aura surrounded Sam as she slowly got to her feet, brought her arm back, and threw the pillow, unfortunately, missing her target and hitting Tye.

I was yanked out of my laughing fit by being hit, once again, by the pillow. And that was the beginning of our pillow fight... at 1 in the morning...

It was actually quite comical. By the time we "stopped", there were feathers everywhere. The sofas were turned upside down to serve as our shields. Virgil was in the middle of the "battlefield" lying on the floor, covered in feathers, and now empty pillowcases, since we all ended up throwing the pillows at him when he tried to "surrender" to us girls. Yes, we made teams.

There was the 1st team that consisted of Sam and I. And the 2nd team, that included Tye, Ed and Virgil. The teams were created after Sam hit Tye instead of Ed, as her original plan entailed. To put it simply, Tye tried getting his revenge but missed Sam and hit me. I took my revenge by grabbing a second pillow and throwing it at him. Hitting my target.

I'm not sure what happened next but, in a blink of an eye, the boys' couch had been tipped over, with all three boys still on it. They ended up using it as a shield. They ganged up on us and began throwing more pillows in our direction. Sam and I decided to follow their example and use our couch as a shield. The pillow war continued on, for two and a half more hours. That is until Virgil surrendered or... in this case... tried to. Since he had been the one to start everything, he thought it would be a good idea to be the one to end it all.

The place was a complete mess. We were lucky not to have moved the fight to the hallway or to the rooms, which we almost did.

"I surrender! Please!" I peeked over the edge of the couch and stared at Virgil contently.

"You sure?"

He stayed silent for a minute before slowly moving to look at me. "No."

"Wha-" I was unable to finish my phrase when a presence suddenly materialized behind me. I shot back only to be met with a pillow, again, to the face. I quickly grabbed it and threw it to the side. "Ed..." His only response was an amused smirk followed by his disappearance.

I turned back to where Virgil was, but he was gone. "Oh, you're so dead."

"Just a fair game."

"A fair game doesn't involve powers."


Turning my attention to Sam, I saw the pillows in her hands, a smirk on her face and determination in her eyes. 'We might be taking this way too seriously, but who cares?' And so our attack began as we invaded their shield space.

The fight began once again, but this time, towards the rooms and with the use of our powers. About two more hours later, we stopped, once again with Virgil surrendering but, this time, for real. Everything was in an even bigger mess by the end of the second war. God only knows how; we had managed to find more pillows so, everything was even more feathery than before. Feathers scattered the rooms, the kitchen/dining room/living room, the hallway and were falling from the ceiling. There were feathers in our hair and clothes as well, making us look like a bunch of chickens.

Virgil stood in the middle of the hallway with feathers falling around him. Sam and I were in our room, hiding. Tye and Ed were in Tye's room waiting for Virgil to finish his peace treaty declaration.

We ended up agreeing and ending our "feather war". We saw the state of the house. 'Damn, first, day, and we already killed this place.' The living room didn't only have feathers and dead pillowcases, but pizza boxes as well. Probably should have mentioned that earlier. We also ended up blowing up a couch by accident with Sam and Virgil's powers combined... don't ask... "We clean tomorrow?" We were all fast to accept his idea. We were far too tired to clean everything. Sleep was a better option, even if our beds were the equivalent to a feathery bird's nest.

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