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The rest of the day was spent staring aimlessly at the sky while thinking about everything that's happened so far. The news that came on TV a few hours earlier, continued on for the rest of the day. The Reach was on almost every channel, and on almost every channel you could see Blue Beetle and Gravitation revealing their true identities as Jaime Reyes and Claire Miranda.

I probably looked dumb and maybe even pathetic as I stared blankly at the sky during the whole day, but I didn't care. Everything was still fresh. It hurt... quite honestly, it did... now I know what it feels like to have one of the most important people in your life betray you... I... I don't like this feeling...

Who would have thought that leaving the house at three in the morning to meet up with your Portuguese friend who was supposed to arrive in your country two weeks later, but decided to depart earlier and surprise you, would end in: kidnapping, powers, an alien invasion and just about every type of betrayal? Not me, that's for sure. I would have never thought of that... never in my wildest dreams.

I still wanted to wake up, to realize that this was nothing but a weird nightmare that only lasted seven hours but felt like two months. I wanted to open my eyes and run down the stairs only to be met with the sweet smell of my nonna's cooking. I wanted to know that this was a dream and that the moment my eyes open and I walk out my front door, Claire would be there waiting with a smug look on her face telling me how late I was for school. I wanted to wake up to the sound of my phone ringing in the middle of the night because Maria needed to vent with someone about her troubles and worries while asking me how I was and apologizing for the time.

If there was a way to make everything go back to normal, a way to turn back the clock... I would do it... I just want everything to go back to how it was... just go back... I'd do it- No, wait... would I? Would I really do it?

This isn't the type of life I envisioned for myself, then again this wasn't my decision. I never would have decided this for myself, but even so, I'm not willing to give it all up. These last two months have been complete chaos, yes, absolutely, there's no way to deny it, but at the same time, they've given me something I'd been lacking... perspective... I've always had it, but never like this. If I hadn't been kidnapped and put through all this shit, I would have sided with the Reach and thought of Jaime and Claire's behaviour as totally normal. I've always been skeptical but never to the point that I am now.

I wanted everything to be normal again, of course, I did, that would never change. I missed my nonna's smile every time she'd dance to her favourite Italian song L'Italiano, every time it would come on the radio, even though I told her millions of times to buy the song as a CD, so she could hear it whenever she wanted... she always said no...

I miss mine and Maria's late-night talk where she'd tell me about computer systems, even though she knew that I understood nothing. I miss her calling me and asking for emotional-support... I didn't like to see her so unhappy, but she knew that I was always there... always ready to listen...

I miss Claire inviting me and my nonna to have dinner at her house. I miss appearing behind her when she least expected and giving her a fright... yeah, she'd chase me after that, but we always had a good laugh...

Funny... to some people this might be a very small group of people to miss and others might have more... but to me, these are the ones that most matter... the only people I really spent any time with were Claire and my nonna. Normally I'd hang with Claire and, occasionally, her younger brother. I'd see my nonna every day and I wasn't very keen on saying no to grandmother and granddaughter bonding time, so I'd usually divide my time between Claire and nonna. Maria lived in Portugal so unless I could swim from one side of the world to the other, that'd be impossible, though we did have video chats through Skype. Claire and nonna would usually be there too, so all of us would talk to her for hours. I would also babysit Sasha from time to time, but not often.

Of course, now I spend all my time with the Runaways, a nice nickname Virgil and I picked out for our little group. I guess that's another good thing that came from all this crap... having the world put me side by side with these guys.

Tye, Sam, Virgil and Ed are the biggest group of people I've ever hanged with, not that I had a choice but I wasn't complaining. I guess that even if I hadn't gained perspective or became more skeptical, I still wouldn't trade this for anything. I don't want to lose these guys, they're like a second family.

Blinking a few times, I turned my head to the side to face my alarm clock. 02:37 AM. Damn... I've been staring at the room's ceiling for the last 3 hours just thinking...

The others had already gone to sleep a long time ago. I decided to go to bed as well, but ended up, quite obviously, not falling asleep.

The last decision of the day consisted of sleep, though that's normal. We needed more rest and even though we were actually quite well-rested physically, psychologically we were still exhausted. These weren't the kinds of things that teens should be subjected to on a daily basis, so some more rest would, hopefully, do us some good.

One thing we've all grown accustomed to is saying our goodnights every night and hearing each other's snoring. In the beginning, the snoring was quite bothersome but you end up getting used to it... eventually.

A smile sneaked it's way onto my lips as I heard Sam's soft snoring and sleep finally overtook me.


My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. 'Where am I?' I was in some sort of ship with what looked like weird pods that went from the ceiling to the ground.

My body suddenly started to move and a grunt escaped my lips. My head moved to look up, but all I saw was Black Beetle looking down at me. 'What... what's happening?!'

"Was it fun?" 'What? What is he talking about-'

"W-What?" I wasn't in control of my body... I didn't tell myself to talk...

"Being betrayed. Was it fun?" He let out a wicked laugh.

"You'll pay for everything you guys have done to us!" Anger. That's the only thing that you could identify in my voice. I, again, didn't command my mouth to open and let the words fly out.

"Of course, I will. Meat bag." My eyes narrowed but before I got the chance to do anything, Black Beetle was thrown to the side.


I woke up startled but quickly relaxed when I noticed the familiar surroundings.

"Felicity? Are ok?"

"Yeah, yeah... I'm alright, Asami. I'm ok." I must have woken her up accidentally. She said nothing else and went back to sleep. I sighed lightly. 'Next time you wake up, be quiet.' And with that, sleep took a hold of me once again.


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"Misión suicida..."


"Missione suicida." As soon as these words had been said we all looked at each other. "Did we just say pretty much the same thing but in our native languages?" They nodded.

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