Surprise, Surprise!

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One hour later, we all stood in a small... infirmary room? I think. After my sudden power outburst, some heroes and scientists went to check up on us, since they heard the commotion.

When they walked into the room, they found: an unconscious Ed, that I held in my arms; a surprised me; a confused Virgil who was struggling to get up; an expressionless Tye who was getting up with Asami's help; and a very confused Asami who, after helping Tye, went to help Virgil.

The room itself wasn't in a much better state- It was a complete mess- there were broken vases all over the floor, scattered plants that are probably now dead, and dents on the walls.

Virgil explained to the grown-ups what had happened- after having been able to regain his senses and control over his body- and they took us to the infirmary room. There they checked all of us to see if we were alright. They said that we were okay and that no one had gotten severely hurt... though, I did still feel guilty.

They told us that Ed wouldn't wake up for a few more hours. Saying that his heart was beating way to quickly and the sudden shock that his body got, was the reason as to why he passed out. His body wasn't used to, pretty much being disintegrated and re-located somewhere else. We were all worried even if some of us didn't show it (AN: *cough*Tye*cough* Huh? Did someone say something?). But, his father was the one that was most worried. He stayed with Ed until the next day.

Anyway, we left the infirmary after a while and went into some sort of meeting room, where another kid waited for us. There, we got the explanation as to why the heroes were here in the first place. Turns out, they had just finished talking to the Star Lab scientists to decide what to do with us. And guess what... they've already decided... bet you can't imagine what their decision was... yeah, they decided to keep us here. In. Star. Labs. Especially after my power outburst, the fact that Ed's powers had already appeared, and the fact that they wanted to... study our powers. In other words, we are now their science guinea pigs.

Us, being us, of course, we weren't exactly... happy. None of us wanted to stay here. This place was dank and gloomy. It's a giant lab building! For God's sake! There's nothing homey about this place! And as you can probably imagine we didn't react well... at all. I mean: Tye had a bad mood outburst; Virgil tried to "reason" with the Leaguers and the scientists, by joining Tye on his outburst; Asami hadn't understood what was happening since no one had the bright idea of actually speaking a language the girl could understand correctly, so she was very confused; I was too shocked and worried to even speak- worried because of Ed and shocked because I wasn't being allowed to go home- and the other kid? Well, he was actually fine with this arrangement, which surprised me quite a bit, but, then again, I didn't know the kid.

When Tye and Virgil were having their outburst, one of the scientists finally decided to tell Asami what was happening. Honestly, her reaction surprised me more than the other kid... She just looked at the scientist with one of the blankest expressions I have ever seen and just said "Wakarimashita." I've heard Maria say this a lot and I think it means: I understood. Or something along those lines. Maria watches a lot of anime, so she sometimes says stuff in Japanese as a way to answer people. She could be insulting me, and I wouldn't even know.

Anyway, we were "released" from the meeting about... 1 hour later. You know, after, not having been able to change the grown-ups' minds.

They sent us to a different waiting room that looked almost identical to the other one that I had destroyed. The only difference was that everything was on the opposite side. Which kind of made it look like a mirror.

Ed woke up the next day and was greeted with his father's worried face. They didn't really have a heart-to-heart conversation since his father decided to tell him that we would all be staying in Star Labs so that the scientists could study our powers and our Meta-Gene. Ed... didn't... react very well. He was supposed to stay lying down for a while longer but as soon as his father told him the "good news", he got out of the bed in a rush, quickly walked to the door while screaming at his father, and once he was out, slammed it shut.

One of the guards saw Ed and tried to get him back into the room he had previously been in so that he would rest. He refused. As a backup plan, he brought Ed to the new waiting room. No one said anything when he entered. The door closed behind him, and he made his way over to the couch before sitting down next to Virgil. And as soon as he sat down, he fell asleep.

A few days later, and our "training" had already begun. Safe to say that no one really enjoyed it.  Ed and I were the only ones who actually had our powers discovered, but we couldn't use them. Or, at least, not very well. Every time Ed succeeded in teleporting himself, even when it was only two feet away from where he previously stood, he would fall to the ground holding his side. The pain would be too much for him to handle, and he wound up, passing out quite a few times.

Then there was me. I couldn't repel anything, no matter what. I tried and tried but... nothing worked. I would end up losing my patience and kicking whatever was in front of me- with my right leg, not the left- I was just about to believe that my powers had disappeared until one of the times we were "training" Virgil accidentally discovered his powers and threw a metal can in my direction. My hands instinctively shot up to my face and felt that force wrap around my hands before shooting forward. We heard the can hit the ground on the other side of the giant room. So, to put it simply, my powers haven't disappeared, and I can repel things if my powers think I'm in danger... that's totally not going to be used against me...


Hello, my fellow humans!!
I hope you're enjoying my story.
If not, that's completely understandable!
Anyway, have a good day/night and Stay Human!

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