The beginning of the end

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The week that followed was...normal, and I felt great after just a few days. Letting my walls back down is something that I'm happy to have done. But even after I had allowed the others back in, they spent the entire week paying close attention to everything I did, making sure that I ate all my meals which I will say was a little hard since my body both wanted food, but at the same time wanted it as far away as possible. They were also constantly talking to me and making me do things, as a way to ensure that I was always too busy to overthink. And before I knew it, a full week had gone by. It went faster than expected, and I had hope that it would restart and never end, but alas, time doesn't work that way.

Nothing special had really happened, and we were just ordinary teens for a few more days which, made me happy since that was something that even when we didn't have any adults to tell us what to do, proved to be difficult for us. The only part of the week that I found extraordinary odd is my lack of need for sleep as I spent the nights writing, and only slept for about two hours. It's as if my body changed directions completely, going from sleeping all the time and having uncomfortable dreams that followed one right after the other... to not wanting to sleep at all. I don't know if that's a good thing or not...but then again, nothing terrible has happened so it might mean nothing.

By the time the week ended, I felt somewhat uncomfortable with a weird feeling building up in the pit of my stomach as if warning me that something big was going to happen. I would have brushed the odd feeling off, but every time I tried to ignore it, the images of Mariana's hologram flashed before my eyes. I honestly hope that it was just a dream and nothing more... that it isn't like some of my other dreams that show things that are soon to happen.

"Felicity! Dinner is ready!" Placing the pen down, I brought my writing to a halt.

"Coming!" I hollered as I closed my notebook and placed it atop my bedside table. I jumped up from the bed and scurried off towards the room door, stopping momentarily to give one last look at my notebook before walking out the door and into the dining/living room, wouldn't want to keep mama Virgil waiting.

"Hungry?" I opened my mouth to answer, but he had already dumped- quite literally- the food onto my plate. "If not, you're gonna have to eat it anyway." I could hear the mockery lacing his voice as he finished his sassy phrase.

"Boy, you are rude. What'd the poor food ever do to you?" He stared at me for a moment, blinked, opened his mouth, preparing to speak before stopping, and closing it again.

"She's right, bro. You were super... mean to the poor little food." Almost immediately, Arsenal and Ed gagged on their food which led to a massive coughing fit as they gargled down multiple glasses of water. Virgil and I stared at them for a good five minutes before they calmed down and stopped coughing while Asami and Tye just ate their food in an unfazed manner as if two people hadn't been practically dying in front of them.

"Dude, I think you killed them." It was true. They looked dead with their heads on the table as their bodies stood unmoving. "Are they dead?"

"Nah, they're fine. Just throw some water on them, and they'll be up again."

"You know what... I think I won't do that. I have a deep love for my head and would prefer it if it remained attached to my neck."

"Good choice." In a matter of seconds, both boys were back to normal, with the small exception of their faces being beat red from the coughing. 'At least, they're still alive.' And with the confirmation that they were alright, we ate our dinner in peace. It still surprised me that we were actually having dinner on the table and not scattered around the house like we used to. 'Guess still don't want to leave me alone, even though Sam and I usually ate together. But whateves.'

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