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"Every single magnetic field disruptor must be disabled before they Chrysalis, to guarantee earth's safety. Each MFD is protected by multiple beetle-tech-drones, and each drone is the equivalent of a Beetle warrior." This wasn't the kind of information to be taken lightly, especially when you know a Beetle warrior's power due to first-person experience. This mission might have just gotten a whole lot harder. "Blue Beetle has located twenty-one MFDs around the world. There's forty-two of us assembled here, so you'll be in squads of two."

"And here I thought this would be a piece of cake..."

"I know the feeling..."

"You will all be issued multiple Reach tech eggs containing my anti-Reach virus software. While one hero runs interference with the drones, the other only has to physically touch his or her egg against an MFD to disable it."

"Working with Lex Luthor again... Would you believe me if I told you that, that is the most surprising and unexpected thing to happen today?"

"No, we're on the same boat. Trust me."

"Alright, I have your assignments. We'll distribute these eggs and go." Claire shot me a sideways glance, signaling that I was going with her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the fate of the world is in your hands."

"Yeah, no pressure." And with the information said, given and done, we all grabbed our eggs and prepared to leave. Claire and I were assigned an MFD located in Portugal, not too far from a small city named Pinhel.

"Hey! Felicidade! Clara!" Just as we were about to pass through the boomtube, a voice interrupted us. "Nem se atrevam a continuar! (Don't even think about continuing!)" We stopped as soon as we heard Maria calling out to us.

"Maria!" We both stepped aside and hugged her. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, não sei! Que tal... a ajudar? Que mais estaria eu a fazer? A cantarolar? Quando o mundo está a acabar? (Oh, I don't know! How about... helping? What else would I be doing? Singing? When the world is ending?)"

"No, but how did you get here?"

"A Mariana foi me buscar. Ah, e Clara, a tua irmã é muito fixe. (Mariana went to pick me up. Oh, and Claire, your sister, is super cool.)"

"How did you even know about-"

"Como disse: A Mariana foi me buscar. Ou seja, ela contou-me tudo. (Like I said, Marina went to pick me up. In other words, she told me everything.)" She shot us a smug smile before digging into her pocket. "Aqui, vão precisar disto para falarem comigo. (Here. You'll need this to communicate with me.)"

"Why would we-"

"Por que sou eu quem vos vai ajudar. Já estive muitas vezes em Pinhel. (Because I'm the one who's going to help you guys since I've been to Pinhel multiple times.)"

"Still not sure how that's help-"

"Simplesmente, não me questionem. (Simply, don't question me.)" She shushed us one last time before handing us two ear communicator thingys. Yes, I don't know what they're called. Pathetic, I know. We grabbed them without question and, with one last hug and goodbye, made our way back to the boomtube.

"So, you ready?"

"Never been more ready in my life. Though, I wish we had more time for reunions."

"Hey, we'll have more time as soon as we win," Claire said while placing one of her hands on my shoulder and bringing the other one up for a fist bump. "Partners?"

Bringing my fist up to meet hers, I smiled and nodded. "Partners."

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now