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Hi, guys!! Ok, so I finished this chap today and now I can't hold back so it be posted today XD BUT the next chap will only be released tomorrow. Enjoy!!
Gimme feedback please!


Images swirled around me like a whirlpool of different shapes and colours, far too fast and close together for me to make out any of them. They continued that way for a while before beginning to paint themselves into the surrounding darkness that stood silently behind them. They went from small blurs to a full-on scenario of what I could only assume was a cemetery.

I could feel my heartbeat accelerate when my feet met the ground, my breaths became shallow and ragged, my vision became slightly clouded and my body shook in anticipation before taking off into a sprint. The adrenaline quickly pumped itself through my veins, causing me to run faster and to ignore the dizziness I felt.

Everything that passed me by was nothing but a blur of dimly lighted streets and colours pushed together. I don't know where I was headed, but I wanted to get there fast. When my feet finally came to a halt, I was met with an agonizing pain in my chest. Something had struck me straight in the middle of my chest resulting in me staggering back a little as my breathing hitched.


I wasn't asleep nor was I awake. I was in that little world that sat between both realities, waiting for my body to decide what it wanted to do. Everything around me was mostly silent other than the slight sound of muttering a few feet away from me.

With some more effort than what I'm used to, my eyes open just a smidge. Just enough for the little bit of light to cloud my vision, and make them close again before opening once more, and blinking a few times so that I could get used to the light without going blind.

It was warm under the covers which made me reluctant to getting up, that is, until the events of my dream caught up to me, resulting in me shooting up from my lying position as my breaths came out ragged and forced, falling on the floor in the process and having my hands grasp the front of my blouse, over my chest to make sure that everything was fine and that those events truly were just a dream and not part of reality.

When my mind finally processed that I was fine and that none of that had happened, my breathing began to slow down. Drawing in a big breath I kept it in for a few seconds before releasing it and repeating this technique a few times.

With my hand still over my chest, I felt my heart rate go from beating extraordinarily and dangerously fast to beating slowly and normally like it's supposed to. My tense and uncertain body was reverting back to normal and relaxing. And yet another dream that gets me to feel this way...

"Nani? Felicity, are alright?" Feeling my body tense up, my hand tightened its hold on my blouse. I knew who had spoken, I mean there's only one other person in this house, other than me, that's female. Asami.

"I'm fine... yume (dream)..." I'm not sure if I said or even pronounced the word correctly, but my brain didn't have the capacity to think at the moment. With a loud sigh, I heard movement coming from the opposite side of the room followed by footsteps that headed towards me. I could feel her sitting down behind me before, without saying a word, grabbing my loose hair. "Sam? What are you doing?"

She paused and stopped her actions for a moment before continuing on and answer. "Braid." 'Oh, yeah... I took the braid out two days ago... didn't even remember to put it back.'

I didn't answer, deciding to just allow her to do as she pleased. Sam did tell me or tried to in an adorable English, that she likes playing with mine and Tye's hair since we both have long hair though, mine is slightly longer than his and he doesn't allow her to braid it so she does it to mine since I prefer braids to have my hair-free.

The entire time she did my braid, I patiently tapped my fingers on the ground a habit I picked up from Arsenal in this last week. When he gets distracted or starts thinking a lot he taps his mechanical fingers on any wooden surface he can find. The time I've spent with everyone has made me pick up on some of their quirks and traits, resulting in me doing them subconsciously, like for example, Sam's constant muttering under her breath. It's her way of practicing English. It's caused me to mutter my thoughts out loud to myself more than usual.

Then there's Tye's ability to fall asleep anywhere as long as he has the possibility to either lie down or sit down. Luckily, that little trait of his hasn't been implemented into my brain or I'd be dead from falling asleep on an open window seal and falling down a building. I did fall once but that's a different story that involves Ed and not sleeping.

And then we have Virgil's annoying trait of surfing through channels every chance he gets. It's a little annoying when you're watching something like, G. Gordon calling out the Reach on their lies and finally saying something worth the while, and then just having the channel change the moment the Reach Ambassador gets pissed.

Eduardo has that thing of staring off into space and not listening to people. That one though, I rubbed off on him and not the other way around. Before that, I'd never really seen him do anything other than be quiet and pissed with the occasional eye roll. He only began to stare off into space and get stuck in his own world about a week ago.

"Hana." No answer. "Hana." Nada. "Hana!" Still no answer, not even a surprised yelp. "Chikushō! Sore kara sunappu! (Damn it! Snap out of it!)."

"Gah!! Don't scare me like that!" Holding up the braid, Sam shook it in front of my face while muttering a swear word in Japanese. "Oh... thanks... and gomen'nasai for not hearing." With a curt nod, she got back to her feet with me following close behind.

After that little moment of almost becoming deaf on my left ear, we left the room and went to the living room. It was 10:37 AM now and apparently, Asami has stayed awake all night just practicing her English, to which, of course, my motherly and overprotective side took over and I told her that she needed sleep and was forbidden to touch the dictionary until she had a long rest. Though, of course, this order will be ignored. It usually is.

With a quick good morning directed towards the guys, both Asami and I went to grab our breakfast. Two bowls of cereals. Grabbing the bowls, the cereals and the spoons we left the kitchen and moved towards the couches. Sam sat down, but I stopped dead in my tracks when my vision passed by the television where the Reach tried to get the public to trust them again with a dumb publicity stunt, this time though, they had Blue save some people on live TV.

I was so caught up with what was happening on TV, that I missed the doorbell ringing and Virgil getting up to open the door.

When I looked back up and towards the wooden plank that was about to destroy me, I was met with a face I had never thought I'd see in person.

"Hello young man, does a girl named Felicity live here?"

And cue the sound of a bowl crashing onto the floor and breaking into a billion little fragments of shock and despair while ultimately flying all over the floor, incapacitating us from ever walking bare feet.

"... Dad?"


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"He blocked me!"


"The piece of shit blocked me!"

"What do you-"

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