First Mission...

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A crashing sound followed by the sound of pieces scattering interrupted the calm silence. 'And that makes ten, so far.' Sam and I had been working together to destroy as many Reach signs as we could. While she'd use her Chi Manipulation to pretty much make them break apart, I'd use my powers to repel them so hard onto the ground they'd break on contact. It was proving to be quite entertaining.

The others were doing the same as us, destroying, breaking or exploding anything and everything that had to do with the Reach, Blue Beetle or Gravitation. This, honestly, wasn't a hard job since the propaganda was everywhere. Be it on rooftops, in front of stores, on walls, in trucks filled with Reach beverage, or on water towers, it was everywhere.

We stopped wreaking our havoc and went to meet up with Ty, who had just thrown a water tower on the ground, breaking it without a second thought.

"Oh, nice one Tye! You are seriously getting a handle on your powers!" But even with the compliment, Tye didn't look pleased.

"Thanks, Virgil... But I'd rather get a handle on the scarab that turned my man Jaime into the Reach's little blue puppet."

I wanted to say the same for Claire but held back, I'd rather not actually talk about her for a while.

The sound of a ringing phone captivated our attention and Ed turned around to answer it. "I wonder if the Reach can appreciate the irony of their own creations working against them." I didn't even need to look at the phone to know who was speaking. Lex Freaking Luthor.

"Hey, they did not create us." Tye and I went to stand next to Ed as he spoke. "They kidnapped us."

"And experimented on us."

I chipped in. "Against our will."

"And with that in mind, if you truly want to hit the Reach were it hurts, I believe I can show you the way." I rolled my eyes.


"This is better spoken of back at the apartment." He hung up and we all looked at each other.

"I can show you the way to your destinies, my children." The mockery didn't go unnoticed by the others since their immediate reaction was to laugh.

"C'mon we should at least see what he's got to say." Virgil looked at me making me groan, I nodded but said nothing.

We arrived back at the apartment about 10 minutes later. Virgil unlocked the door and we walked in, and to our surprise, there were things on our living room table. A computer that wasn't there before and a weird square thing.

"Welcome back." I screeched. "My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Course you didn't." And that's when I noticed... the guy was on the computer screen. You have got to be shitting me!

"Uh... Lex Luthor, sir what's that?"

"It's called a father box. It can open a boom tube or gateway, to the Warworld and back again. It has also been programmed to local Kryptonian DNA." 'Why's he specifically telling us that? He doesn't plan on sending us after Superman... does he?'

"Kryptonian? You mean, you're sending us after Superman?!" 'Not even going to question it.'

"Su-per-boy, actually." 'There's a Superboy? You've gotta be kidding.' "One of nine young heroes captured by the Reach." Nine pictures of heroes popped on the computer screen, luckily, incapacitating us from looking at Luthor. Thank you, God.

"Those guys saved us, from the Reach!"

"Dude, scream a little lower will ya?" This guy is gonna get me deaf.

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