New Place

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We said yes... probably the biggest mistake we've ever made but I had already decided to follow the others no matter what, even if I'm not totally comfortable with the idea. But, since my father had trusted Luthor enough to be... acquaintances, then maybe I can do the same... or at least, try. I decided to trust him, even if I had a voice in the back of my head telling me that this was a bad idea.

After having agreed to trust Luthor, we followed him into the car. It was an awkward silence for the majority of the trip, after many failed attempts of beginning conversations with each of us. He did try to start a conversation with me, asking about my interests... nope, totally not creepy. I didn't reply. Then... about my parents. I would have punched him if it hadn't been for Sam holding me back. He gave up after that, with me at least, but not with the others. Sam was the only one who really answered. I couldn't blame her. We all got along well, but she needed to talk to someone who spoke the same language as her... unfortunately, it just had to be Lex Freaking Luthor.

He needed up taking us to a shopping mall, where we bought cellphones and other stuff. Hey, what can I say, the guy is freely letting us spend his money, I'm making the most of it. I normally wouldn't accept, but I still didn't trust him, so I didn't particularly care if we used his money to buy whatever we wanted. I mean, he did offer. Sam and I ended up buying dictionaries to try and make our understanding of each other easier. Sam and the guys bought skateboards, I didn't follow. I'm not a skateboard kind of person, I prefer roller skates.

After, buying the skateboards and phones and all that shazam, we decided to look around. Me being the one to decide, since I wanted to get away from Luthor who had, once again, tried to speak of my parents, saying and I quote: "You look just like your parents. You act like them too... same recklessness as your father, and the same spirit as your mother... not easy to break..."

I tried ignoring him, but he only continued, which resulted in me trying to think of a nice way to say: Please fuck off.

After, what felt like an eternity he finally seemed to notice the tension and asked why I don't seem to trust him. Honestly, it didn't surprise me that he asked or noticed, for that matter. I wasn't exactly trying to hide it or put up a fake facade. The only answer I gave him was that he seemed fake, before turning my back and walking away and deciding to, as I said, explore the shopping.

A while after having walked away from the group, I found a small porcelain shop. What caught my attention wasn't the shop itself, but the porcelain doll on the window display. The doll was quite pretty, she had ginger hair put up in a bun, dark green eyes, a light orange dress with a floral design in golden, there was also a yellow shawl covering her arms and back. In her left hand, she held a white orchid, while her right hand held the shawl. (A/N: Ok, so I know there are people who are creeped the hell out by porcelain dolls... but imagine her looking kind of like Bo Peep from Toy Story 4. That's what I did.)

As soon as I saw her, I knew that Sasha would love her. Sasha is my neighbours' 7-year-old daughter. She has a fascination for anything "magical" and for porcelain dolls, though, she has none. I have already gone with Sasha and her parents to the mall, and every time we passed by any story with a porcelain doll she would squeal and point at the doll, for a full 20 minutes.

As much as I wanted to buy her the doll, there was no way in hell that I would ask Lex Luthor to buy it so that I could give it to the kid. I would get that doll with my own hard-earned money. That was always a rule me and nonna had: Always buy a gift with your own money. Never allow anyone to buy it for you.

Funny enough, just I had managed to relax... an idiot decided to give me a heart attack. Resulting in this little scenario:

I let out a squeak, whipped around with my fist up, and threw my fist forward, aiming for a punch. I missed. The person had moved to the side just in time. "Whoa."

"Tye! Do." I punched him in the shoulder. "Not." I punched him once more. "Sneak." And again. "Up." And again. "On." And again. "Me." Again. "Like." I prepared to punch harder. "That!" And done.

"Ow! Stop hitting me." He laughed while caressing his arm. "Damn, you pack some good punches."

"I better, Claire would kill me if I didn't."

"Is she the one who'd love the creepy doll?"

"Wha? No! She'd break it. And it is not creepy!"

"But, it is."

"It's not! You just have no taste!" I looked at the doll. "Anyway, Sasha's the one that would love it..."

"Sasha? You never talked about her."

"She's my neighbour's daughter... she's always loved porcelain dolls."

"Then get it for her."

"How? My money's at home and I'd rather die than have Lex Luthor buy this as a gift for her."

"I can get it."

I stopped for a second and blinked before laughing. "You don't have any money either! How would that work?" Tye stared at me for a few seconds before letting a small laugh out.

"Hello, donkey." The mockery could be heard in his voice.

When I calmed down, I punched him in the arm, once more. "Jerk."

"I didn't do anything wrong."

When this little exchange of words ended... sorta... Tye gave the idea for us to ask the shop owner if she/he could keep the doll until I could afford it. Thankfully, the owner agreed... but, unfortunately, as soon as we left the shop we were face-to-face with Mercy who creepily popped out of nowhere, and made my heart almost leave my chest:

I looked in front of me and was immediately greeted by Mercy. "Holy mother of blissful God! Don't do that!" She said nothing. 'This woman is seriously creepy.'

"We are all waiting for you both. Come." By the time she finished speaking, she was already 6 feet ahead of us. 'God, damn this lady walks fast!'

One hour of pure agonizing silence later, we stopped in front of a building, that Lex Luthor told us we would be staying at:

"Well, now that we have arrived, I should probably tell you... this is where you'll be staying." My mouth fell open. Is he serious?! This guy... the Lex Luthor was giving is a place of our own?! First the trip to the mall and now this?

"First the mall and now this?" 'Wow, we must have the same mind or something.' "Just, what are you playing at?" Tye kept looking at Luthor skeptically. He didn't buy it.

"I have nothing planned, do not worry. I just thought you all deserved it, plus you will have no adult supervision whatsoever meaning that you are free to run the place as you like." We all looked at each other and I raised a brow. 'That was oddly and creepily specific.'

"How do we know you didn't put cameras somewhere... or everywhere, for that matter!?"

"I promise you, I have not. I haven't even chosen an apartment yet. I leave that decision to you." A smile made its way onto his face. 'Creep.' "But I will, of course, be giving you money so that you can get whichever room you'd like." He paused and examined all of our expectations. "And I'll still give you some extra money for clothes, food, and anything else you may feel is needed."

"Are you serious?!" I winced. Damn, I'm not even next to Virgil, and he already hurt my ears.

"Very." He dug his hand into his pocket and took out a whole load of cash before handing it to Virgil, who just stared at the money with a blank expression.

Tye took the money out of his hands before opening the door and stepping out.

"Goodnight." We all exited the car without a word.

After that, Tye chose the apartment, that apparently... was really big. The moment you walk in you see the living room/dining room/kitchen, that was, actually, quite big; you walk a little further in and down the hall and you see three bedrooms, two of which had two beds; in front of the bedrooms there were two bathrooms; and down the hall there was what we believe to be a storage room, that we would never use.

The place itself is quite homey and clean, in other words... the worst place to put a bunch of super-powered teens, unsupervised.

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